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Show SPORTING WORLi) Louisville finally gnre Southpaw Ad Thomas his unconditional release. Bill Ilreuniin hns consented to stiy on ns un umpire In the Southern league. Caruso Fred Beck, lately back from Fimico, has slgucd to pluy with the Ptorja club. Freshwater Is tho niimo of an urn-ptro urn-ptro who hns been calling them In tho Threo I league. Art Kwoldt, former Des Moines third baseman, has arrived from overseas, nnd tho management plans to 'use hhu In tho outfield. 'Lefty Bill Jiimes, ns a pitcher for Galveston, shows signs of coming bnck to something like his old form. C H. Stevens, former ConRt, Western, West-ern, Northwestern nnd Texns hack-stop, hack-stop, has beea signed by Kvansvllle. Pcto Adams, tho Fort Smith first baseman, is playing great hall for Oklahoma Okla-homa City and seems to be a real find. Tho western league Is not the but tors' paradise this season It used to he. There are frequent games with low scores. Tho Oakland club has taken on Pitcher Harry Weaver from the, Chicago Chi-cago Cubs on the re 'imtuendiitlou ot Ilowdy Klllott. Danny. Murphy, who Is hnndllug the Hartford team this year, says that tho Eastern league Is going to pluy faster ball -.than, ever' before, r , Jimmy -Cooney, returning to Providence, Provi-dence, Is malting n great hit, and Cnoncy ldmsClf shows no disappointment disappoint-ment that ho failed to stick with tho JUalJBflS.jir-cntxJuflU glib. .tJip,T)Hr. trolt Tigers. ' Los Angeles Is elated over tho acquisition ac-quisition of Hay Bates, for he was a star when with Vernon boforo'.ho went to tho Philadelphia Athletics, and It Is figured he bus uot gono back |