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Show OGDEN LIVESTOCK LETTER. Ogden, July 23. Three important im-portant factors entered Into Og-den's Og-den's prominence as a market center for livestock during the 'pasTveelcT' First, tTTenogdeTl market for hogs took a skyward Shoot with $21.75 per hundred "at the price for first class finished finish-ed animals: second, the Ogden livestock exchange voted its en dorsement, unanimously, of tho plan for the Ogden Fat Stock show to be held in the winter and provided tho first $1,000 toward he expenses of that event, the Ogden Packing & Provision Co. received word that new and equitable freight rates for meat and packing houso products, to and beyond the Missouri river I points liad been granted by the 'railroad administratis Each of these promises to havo an important result on the Ogden market and on livestock 'affairs of tho intennountuin 'country. Tho price for hogs is a fulfillment of predictions frequently fre-quently made by livestock men, who have told farmers not to sell their stock hogs, but to get them in shape for the market The climb in price has been grad ual, there is no present indication indica-tion of a recession and with European Eu-ropean demand for pork prod-ucta prod-ucta constantly growing, tho in-dictions in-dictions are that the present price, or even higher, will continue con-tinue for some time. Tho coming of th'o Ogden Fat Stock show, established along educational lines, gives promise of additional Information for farmers as to proper methods of feeding and fattening cattle, sheep and hogs and also as to quality In breeding. Tho third factor, the new freight rates, gives the assurance that Ogden. will be able to handle in larger quantity the cattle, sheep and hogs heretoforo shipped east, ngbetXerjimrkeUngnDpnr. tunity. They are all natural tesults of Ogden's growth as a livestock industry center. |