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Show (j HOW SISLER LEARNED $ X TO PLAY INITIAL BAG 0 "Pitching camn nnlural to mo; 0 Q batting, too; hut I wns posltlvo Q 7) that first base would not bo so a easy. I didn't nsk mnny ques- V Hons; simply watched the otlirr V Q fellows In tho lenguo. I thought u Q If I could catch them with ono n X hand like Stuffy Mclnnls I'd ha X v satisfied. I saw' how Waller V Q Plpp shifted his feet and U n stretched for yards, and I snw Q X how CV Oandll went In the dirt X X for the low throws. V 0 Mclnnls, Pipp and Gondii 0 Q taught mo how to play first base. ) A I studied them end used them A for my teachers. v |