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Show I Utah Industrial Indus-trial Review o Paclfio Coast Manufacturer and Industrial News Bureau o Salt Lake Herald: Utah and a number of other western states will extend their activities with the coming of peace. War has forced them to undergo the retrenchment re-trenchment which is ahead of the district favored in the war appropriations. They have surveyed sur-veyed this period and the future promises not retrenchment but greater activity. Tho dawn of peace will' create its problems hero, but they will not bo as vexing vex-ing as tho problems created in tho districts which have been inflated in-flated solely for tho greater prosecution pros-ecution of the wnr. Utah eighth state in tho Union in gold production; second In silver. . Farmlngton Union OH & Gas Co. strikes oil near hero. In many other states taxes on other property would bo practic-ally practic-ally doubled If It wero not for oil and mining development For this reason measures encourag-lng encourag-lng to these Industries and cqult-Hr cqult-Hr aWo taxation laws, both ' Btate and national, should be demand- Provo Progress reported at Eureka Bullion mine. Eureka Dragon Con.ships 23 cars ore for week ending Nov. 8. St. George Dlxio Oil Co. to operate refinery and drill in vl-cinity. vl-cinity. Cedar City New coal mine being opened, up. Gold producers of country will petition' government for relief. H Utah's potato crop twice nor- H1 mal value. Yield worth) over $1,000,000. Price per bu. $1.10. Utah October copper output 19,000,000 pounds. . Statistics of U. S. Fuel ad-ministration ad-ministration claim that Increase In railroad traffic dno to partic-lpatioh partic-lpatioh of United States in war increased quantity of petroleum consumed as locomotive fuel In 1917, despite Its mounting cost. Moab Oil & Gas Co. to put big oil rig in operation In vlcln-lty vlcln-lty soon. Now that peaco has arived the ' best authorities say this country will wltnes an industrial boom such as It never before exper-, exper-, ienced. E u r e k a Titanic Standard H shipped 71 carloads ore In Oct. Hf 1 With coming of peace, gold 1 v mining outlook bright, due to de- Hjj it clino In gold prices of commod- Hrj J Itles and labor. H- Salt Lake Plant to cut down 7 fruit wasto planned, costing be-tween be-tween $35,000 and $50,000. H When tho American nation Hj prospered moro In CO years be- H; foro war without socialism than H; any socialistic or paternalistic H. nation in the world It is worth remarking that tho sooner Am- erican pople are left to resume normal conditions of attending to their own business tho better. H. Park City Silver King Con. to resume ore shipments. , Oil stocks decrease 24,000,000 in.l3mo3. Consumption big. Hj V 'Salt :Lake Carload Patsy Marley dre brings $1500. Forty oil companies incorpor-ate incorpor-ate in U. S, during Sept. Total l I capitalization $80,000,000. ( l Satl Lake America, imported 73,053,280 pounds of copper in V August Already wo read reports of how Franco and Germany and other European countries are planning to rebuild their beet Biigar Industry. This only emphasizes em-phasizes tho necessity of the U. S. doing everything possible to encourage this same Industry at homo for It has been a life saver in a great crisis. Eureka Tintio mines earn $210,000 in week. Batson Gllsanito oro found only in Utah. Most developed mines near here. With peaco great Influx of copper orders, expected for reconstruction. re-construction. Salt Lake Orckardjsls and beet growers In vicinity praise boy workers. Silver Shields in good condition; condi-tion; outlook promising. Fuel production continues to fall off under labor scarcity. Tho only water power development devel-opment that has ever taken place In tho west has been accomplished ac-complished by private enterprise and has been equal to all communities com-munities In splto of political Interference. Moab Eastern oil Interests lease 5000 acres land near herd. Salt Lake Price zinc oro advanced ad-vanced $G on sliding scale. MoffaU-UImta Oil Co. starts big rotary rig near town. U. S. Fuel Administration says 25,000,000 nloro barrels oil needed need-ed this year than last. Salt Lako Utah Copper Co. produces 19,000,000 lbs. metal In Oct. Park City's 'shipments for week ending Nov. 8 estimated at $90,000. Silver becoming much moro scarce. Formerly 80 cents an ounce; now $1 plus. Eureka Liberty manganese Co. soon to begin shipping". Salt Lake Mormon, students put 5,444 acres land under cultivation cul-tivation this year. More In 1919. Tho Non-partisan league got a deserved licking In tho western west-ern states for which tho taxpayers taxpay-ers can bo very thankful. ' Salt Lako Alta Consolidated opening bigger shoot lead-silver 6re. Payson Drilling to start at onco in local oil fields. Payrolls and not talk will solve after war labor problems. |