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Show BRITISH LOSSES DURIN1 WAR. Dead, Wounded and Minting Totals Over Three Million. -London. UrltlMi casualties during the war, Including nil tho theaters of, activities, totalled :i,OI0,001, it was an nounced In tho house of commons by James Inn MncPhcrson, parliamentary secretary for tho war office. Of this number tho officers killed, wounded or missing aggregated 1-12,034 nnd tho men 2,007,357. Tho total losses In tho fighting on tho Franco-llelglaii front wero 2,710,042. The total ot British losses In killed on all fronts during tho war was 058.-005. 058.-005. Of theso 37,830 wero officers nnd 020,820 wero men. Tho total British wounded In thownj, was more than two million, tho parliamentary parlia-mentary secretary's figures showing tho aggregate to bo 2,032,122. Tho losses In miming Including' prisoners totalled 800,115. |