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Show HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I. "I waa all run down In health, waa nervous, had head "'", my back llllilllllllllllllllllllll III icood " " tlmo. IIIIHlJJiOillllllll I was tired and had nafl-VI'''W no ambition forany UHw'V thing. I had token LHr vN number of mcdl llllnmSllT-flllllll clnes which did mo , 'J no good. One day maSti'l 1 read about Lydis UaWJII E.Plnkham'aVcco-ffi E.Plnkham'aVcco-ffi talKw: table Compound and mJ!mM?&$Ki whatlthaddonofor MwPwiF women, so I tried Wtm'i it- Mynervousnesa 1 . 'and backache and headaches disappeared. I gained In weight and feel fine, bo I can honestly recommend Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Vege-table Compound to any woman who it suffering aa I was." Mrs. Adeline B. Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providence, R. I. Backacho and nervousness aro symptoms symp-toms or nature's warnings, which Indicate In-dicate a functional disturbance or aa unhealthy condition which often develops devel-ops Into a more serious aliment Women In this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch'a experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy. Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compoundand Com-poundand for special advice write to Lydla Ei Flnkham Med. Co., Lynn, Mat. Tho egg thnt can't bo bent isn't na- good us It might be. A grain of sand In n .man's makeup Is wortli two In tho sugnr. Cutlcura Beauty Doctor For cleansing nnd beuutlfyl.'s tho skin, hands nnd hnlr, Cutlcura Sonn nnd Ointment nfford tho most cffcctlvo preparations. For freo samples address, ad-dress, "Cutlcura, Dept. X. Boston." At druggists and by mnll. Sonp SO, Ointment Oint-ment 2(i nnd CO. Adv. momma cup is unsatisfactory suppoct you moke, a chanrie from the old-time bevcragt to the snappy carta! . v drink , v mswi POSTM you'll be surprised at its cheering, satisfying satis-fying qualities -r . and delightful flavor. Its all hee.lth ho v; caffeine, 1 TryoTlr j h |