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Show County Commissioners. All members of tho board of county commissioners met in regular session last Monday. Councilman I. S. Larson appeared ap-peared in behalf of Brigham City, and asked the county to assist in repairing the road through the Watery Lano. County will furnish one half of tho labor. ' Joseph A. West appeared and stated that David Eccles, trustee, trus-tee, had accepted the franchise to construct on electric railway from Hot Springs to Brigham City, and delivered a cortiticate showing that $1000 has been deposited de-posited in tho First National Bank of Ogden, for the completion comple-tion of samo. Esther Morris of West Portage, Port-age, was granted a free license for one year to sell medicino. Bond of Evan Morgan for conducting a pool hall at Collin-ston, Collin-ston, was approved. Application, accompanied by a bond of Dotson Hall, to conduct con-duct a pool hall at West Portage, Port-age, was granted. A communication from P. C. Munseo relative to road at Luc-in, Luc-in, was referred to Road Com. Piorco. A communication was received receiv-ed from Joseph Pierson, stating that tho county in building a road past his promises, had damaged the property to the amount of $150, and asked to be reimbursed. Action dof erred. Clerk's, recorder's and sheriff's she-riff's reports for February, were presented and accepted. Bond of Erostus Hanson, constable con-stable for Box Elder precinct, was approved. An order was placed for onei Fort Way no Steel mounted rock crusher and bin, with Marion Clinger, agent for Indiana Road Machine Co. A petition signed by a number num-ber of residents from Rawlins, was presonted, asking tho board to accept certain roads as county coun-ty roads. Referred to commi-too commi-too of board and road commissioner. commis-sioner. M. V. Itohwer appeared and reported that he could get a road part way, west of barrens, but Valentine Fruit Co., ask $100 per aero for their land, and Men-oil Salt Co. refuse to grant a road way through thoii farm for the reason that the road will poss through tho center of their land. Action deferred. Eugene Snow, representing tho Hall-Herring Safe Co., appeared ap-peared and quoted prices on vault doors. He was given an order for a number of fixtures. Road commissioner was instructed in-structed to sell no more county plank at present. A number of other matters woro disposed of and tho board adjourned. |