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Show B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY. The Drighnm City Steam Laundry has secured tho services of Alfred Granger, proprietor of tho O. K. Barber Bar-ber Shop, to net as Its agent for Garland Gar-land and vicinity. Wo are personally personal-ly acquainted with Mr. M. Itnsinusson, tho proprietor of Uio Laundry, and can recommend tho work turned out to bo first-class, and wo arc safo in Baying that it will only bo a short tlmo until nil the laundry work of this city and vicinity will bo dono in tho county seat. Tho Drigham Laundry Laun-dry Is second to nono In tlio state. Famous for its good work nover ruining ruin-ing any goods or mixing other people's goods with yours and you can always be safo In getting back the same goods you .send tho same week It goes out, with no express charges added to tho packages. GIvo tho D. C. Laundry a trial and-satisfaction Is yours. |