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Show UTAH STATE NEWS BBBBBA B About 2,000 unfortunates were fed B by the Salvation army In Salt Lako H City on Christmas. B The cxocutlvo committee of the M Cache Valluy Poultry association has H decided to hold another poultry Bhow B hero about February 15. B Eighty thousand dollars Is to be B spent on Salt Ixiko county's jail, 100 B now cells bolng Installed (or tho ao- H oommodntlon of law-breakers. H Because ho used "freczlno" to H freshen hamburger steak last August, B A. Bcckstond was lined $50 in police H court at Ogdou a few days ago. H Meetings of Hhcepmcu will be hold B in Parowan, Cedar City, Beaver and B other points in southern Utah at B which experts will dollvor addresses B on diseases affecting Hhoop. B Bert Ilnnce, arrested In Salt I-ake B City on Monday celebrated Christmas, B it Is charged, by trying to kill his B wife, Anna Ran no, by throwing a B ntovo shaker at her head. B A gasoline car Is now in operation B 1 1 at Tooele, which meets nil tho trains B on the Los Angeles toad, conveys pus- 8 Hongors up town and also brings men B back and forth from tho smelters. B The National Woolgrowertf' assocla- B tlon mooting In Ogdou In January B promises to bo one of the largest over B ' held In tho went. The Douvor & Rio B Grande and the Oregon Short Line B huvo made special rates covering It. B T. P. Baulgan, the original dlscov- B terer of tho famous Mizpuh mining B camp, In Nevada, Is In a Salt Lake B hospital suffering from a frozen foot B and ear, tho result of a ton mile rido B in Nevada on Christinas day. B Tho homo of Mrs. Kato Thomas of B Park City was destroyed by lire on K Christmas day, and Mrs. Thomas was B ' badly burned about tbo face. The B flro was caused by somo grease left B . in tho oven of the cook stove. B Brutal treatment of her own chll-B chll-B dren and the lailuro to properly ap- B ply the $10 monthly alimony nllowed B her by the court for the support of B , tho two minor children are sensn- B tlonal charges preferred against an B Ogden woman by her divorced bus- B ! K. Okuno, a Japanese, was shot 1, through tho arm and breast by Vel B Magedn, a Japanese gambler, In u B rooming house in Salt Lako City, tho B', men having quarreled over money B1 v mutters. Okuno is in a hospital In a B' precarious condition and his assailant is in Jail. B; By unscrewing tho hinges and bolts B on tho cellhouso door in tho Blnghnm j city prison, two Austrlnns, Sam and B Matt Savovich, escaped from custody B ! Tuesday night, Tho men were being B lield for trial, having engaged in a B tight with several Finns ultnit tec B' days B Blasting away tho lco at the mouth B i of Ogden canyon was completed B f Thursday. Since the avalanche ten B A days previous It is estimated that B lj moro than 5,000 tons of ico have been B I , removed, and the damage, Including B J Uio work of clearing away tho Ice, has B execedod $10,000. B Tho Dlcl: bill will go into effect BflB January 22, and will result in the gen- B eral reorganization of all the state EBB " ' troops In the country. Tho new law, B which becomes effective next month, BEVB ' i provides that all state troops shall conform to the organization and regu- B , latlons of tho regular troopa. B f 'An Ogden man 84 years of ago, B , who nine months ago married a worn- 1 l "'' an 50 years of age and soon after B v v-. ' tholr wedding deeded her property B - ' worth several thousand dollars, last B week made applicalton to tho county B . (- commissioners for permission to B live at the county poor farm. B ft) Apparently attempting to blow up B 1 .the hoist used for tho purpose of B hoisting the iron work on tho Hotel B i Utah, in Salt Lake City, an unidenti- B fled man threw two Btlcks of giant B f powder into the excavation for tho B p basoment of tho building Wednesday B ' jfi morning, causing considerable damage. B , Surrounded by evidence which B pointed to murder, tho body of M. B Naryoshl, n Japanese laborer, was B ', found at what is known as tho "Chick- B 'J en Ranch," Situated near Pleasant B ' Green. Tho man had been shot in tho B , back. Ills brother und another Jap-B Jap-B i ' nnese aro under arrest B Robert E. Kennedy, a prisoner In BB ' the Salt Lako City jail, cut two bars B f ' of the cellhouso with a casoknifo tiled B I ' p , , into tho form of a saw and escaped B on Thursday morning. Kennedy waa : 1f' being held, with R. E. Drlskoll, on , tuo c'ia'Bo of murdering Policeman j ' C, C. Riley on October 5. ni 1 The report and recommendations of .f the national board of fire underwriters ' , ; 'j . t ' regarding the city of Ogden wero re- 5 celved recently. The board Ands ' h'iSttfSKiii' 'tlLat flre protection In the city is BBM iP&llftBnsoiutoly inadequate, and rocora-j rocora-j K Sen'dB improvoment, in the fire do- ) i'j . oartment and a better water supply. i BBE BBk |