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Show I W.E.Getz, H Tremonton, Utah. Eyes '.. Glasses Tested j Fitted BBBBfl SBB9 BBSs ' Special Attraction. Moving Pictures. Next Monday and Tuesday nights, at tho Lyric Theatre, Manausa Hall, the public will bo given tho opportunity of witnessing the popular piece "The Face Upon tho Bar Room Floor" presented by Edison's Moving Picture Machine and beautifully illustrated by Alfred Granger, in connection with a special program of moving pictures and illustrated songs. Don't fail to bo present ono night at least. Admission 5c and 10c. THE" O. K. BARBER SHOP, j Alfred Grangor, Prop. j Garland, Utah I Shaving, Hair Cutting, Sham- j pooing and Massaging. j Ladies' hair dressing und i massaging a specialty. j Next door to Gar. Harness Co. ! Agents for Brigham Steam ! Lanhdiy. What the Crltios Say about our roady-mixod colors is unstinted praiso, asWfault can be found with their durability, uniform high quality and severe tostH, and are used by those who best appreciate a first-class article at a reason-.. reason-.. Ritsr Bros. Dnio Go. Logan, & Garland, Utah, Franklin, Preston & Montpolior, Idaho s LOOK OUT S ror our BIG BILLS announcing our I MAEVIMOTH "feRPFN TACi" Jl alsL iLaft H-ca I 1 I f 1 Ji 3iELE mm Commencing April 1 5 Lasting Thirty Days.. Prices Cut and Slashed Regardless of Cost. BIG PREMIUMS OFFERED! Our Immense Stock of Merchandise to be Sold at COST and BELOW COST. W. L. GROVER & SONS. cSSyWHERE THE TEAMS STOPg Go-Carts and Baby Carriages A Man Never Knows What's coming to him, but we are prepared to tako care of your wants in tho line of Go-Carts, Baby Carriages and Collapsable Collaps-able Carts. A Big Line of the finest just received. Call and See Them. I JENSEN BROS., garland,Tah. I FDFFf I I KLLi Dinner Sets I HAND DECORATED ig Given Away Absolutely FREE S TO OUR CUSTOMERS. I K A large clock, which is on exhibition at this store, ; w will be wound upthe face of this clock is coveredand h m it will be allowed-to run down and stop. K h With evory $1.00 cash purchase wo will give a card RJ M this card will bo stamped with a special time of day. Ki !The card also states a certain time when you are to pre- Hj sent it at this store. On the time specified all porsons it holding cards for this date will present their cards at W the timo indicated, tho face of the clock will bo then un- W covered, and tho porson holding a card which timo is m J nearest to that of the time whon the clock stops, gets K this beautiful present absolutely free. m i Remember, you must be in tho storo whon the clock m is uncovered as the article will be given to the person K present with the nearest timo card. jE J Wo will give away a great many of theso presonts, bo ft if your card does not win at tho first uncovering of clock, I do not throw it away; save it. You may win on it the m next time or tho 3rd, 4th, nth, Cth or some futuro time. .K Save your cards. Our prices will remain as heretofore, the lowest 9 our quality as always, will bo tho best. m M Will you call at our store and see tho presents aud m jgi get further particulars? K Js! Yours Truly, M Garland Mercantile Co., r Wm, Preston, Mgr. c |