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Show $725.00 in Prizes. Divided into Two Parts. First prize, $500; second prize, $225, for tho best and second best production of marketable, ' lato potatoes raised ononoacre, year 1910, confined to tho following fol-lowing four varieties: Peach blow, rural type, netted gem or dalmony challenge, and within tho following described terri tory: All points on the Oregon Short Lino Railroad north of Salt Lake City, south of Silver Bow, Montana, west of Graugor Wyoming and East of Huntington, Hunting-ton, Oregon; all points on the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad, Rail-road, Idaho Northern Railroad Payette Valley Railroad. The above montioiied prizes are tho personal contributions of tho undersigned, as follows: D. E. Burloy, Salt Lake City, $500.00; E. M. Heigho, Woisor, Idaho, $100.00; E. H. Dewoy, Nampa, Idaho, $75.00; H. E. Dunn, Payette, Pay-ette, Idaho, $25.00; D. C. Mac-Wattors, Mac-Wattors, Milnor, Idaho, $25.00. Farmers who contemplate entering en-tering for tho prizes aro requested request-ed to write to D. E. Burloy, Gonoral Passenger Agent, Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, Salt Lake City,Utah, for rules, etc., which will govern the contest. |