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Show TOO GOOD FOR THI8 EARTH. Typt of Office Boy a Creature of Funny Man's Brain. "So yon havo come in answer to my advertisement for office boy?" said tho old broker briskly. "Do you smoko cigarettes?" "No, sir," replied tho saintly young-stor young-stor in the doorway, "Chow gum or read novels?" "Novor, sir." "Piny Jugglor with the paper weights or talk nonsenso through tho tolcphono when your employer Is nb-sont?" nb-sont?" "No, sir." "Ever go to tho circus?" "Novor saw a circus In my life, sir." "How about bnsoball7 Do you take two or threo afternoons a wtiok to bco tho gnmo?" "Don't llko baseball, sir." Tho old broker bit tho end off his cigar. "My boy." ho said, quietly, "this Is tho. twenty-ninth story, isn't it?" "I think so, Blr." "Well, It is not, high enough for you." "Not high onough for mo, sir?" VNo, you bolong up In paradise." Chicago News. |