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Show Noted Oklahoma Desperado Captured. Guthrlo, Okla. Governor Haskell Is in receipt of Information to tho effect ef-fect that tho notorious outlaw Den Pravens, who terrorized tho western pnrt of Oklahoma for years, has been locatod at Estanclor, N. M., and will bo npprohended nnd hold for extradition. extra-dition. Rownrds woro offored for his capture In 1901, und tho govornor has etated that tho samo rewards ltold good now. Cravens was a desperado ot tho "wildest west" typo, held up aloonB, robbed stores, hold up post-mastors, post-mastors, murdered flvo or six men, was In bnttlo with sovoral posses ,nnd vanished suddenly whon tho country hecamo too hot for him. |