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Show FULLY NOURI8HED Grape-Nuts a Perfectly Balanced Food. No chemist's analysis ot Crapo-Nuts can begin to show tho real valuo of tho food tho practical valuo as shown by personal experience It Is a food that is perfectly balanced, bal-anced, supplies tho needed clomonts of brain and nerves In all stages ot Hfo from tho infant, through tho strenuous stren-uous times ot nctlvo mlddlo life, nnd . is a comfort and support In old age. "For two years I havo used flrapo-! flrapo-! Nuts with milk and a little cream, for brenkrast. I am comrortnbly hungry tor my dinner at noon. "I use llttlo meat, plenty of vegetables vege-tables and fruit In season, for tho noon moal, and if tired at tea time, take Orapo-Nuts nlono and feel perfectly perfect-ly nourished. "Nervo and brain power, nnd memory mem-ory aro much Improved Blnco using Orapo-NutB, I nm over sixty nnd weigh 155 lbs. My son and husband seeing bow I havo improved, nro now using Grape-Nuts. I "My bou, who Is a traveling man, cats nothing for broakfast but Grapo-Nuts Grapo-Nuts and a glass ot milk. An aunt, over 70, seems fully nourished on Grnpo-Nuts and cream." "Thoro'a a Hcason." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek. Mich. Read "Tho Itoad to Woll-vlllo," Woll-vlllo," In pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. |