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Show HJ Being a woman I can Sl Pitlnaoplm of ffTSltlft HJ f woman's intuitive pow- H mO110 re often help her to a HJ , flash-light view of a H By MRS. LEONARD MARSHALL. M'n"'8 hc,,rt' T1,u c(Tcct8 J of Love are so varied and I I curious that tho subject HJ seems incxhaustiblo at HJ first sight. The longer we live, however, the clearer grows tho fact that H . the whole of humanity is divided into types. From the perfect typo of each HJ kind come paler and paler reproductions as in photographs that grow more and more shadowy as thoy are copied from the negative. Wo havo HJ as many loves as there are types. There is tho grandc passion so fateful, bo terrible, which wc all dread and long for tho sacred fire will encirclo us in scorching flames and reduce our hearts to ashes. This is lovo at its acme. Love so divine that despite its dangers it is, and will ever be, tho world's desire. There nrc passioncttcs that grip us for a brief space and leavo no memories sweet or deep, and what Shakespcaro terms tho H lovo fancy, tho first glow of passion in youth, tho Coming of Eros, the rising of the curtain on the comedy or the drama of love. There is love tho sentiment and lovo the passion, and tho poor humans have so little understanding that they know not tho one from the other. Ono typo of man becomes an idiot when ho falls in love, but such havo only a step to take they were on the brink already. When he meets a girl ns silly as himself they marry, and aro happy ever after, but to tho clever woman this form of suitor is absolutely unbearable. I havo said nothing of the platouic lovers this fad of Plato's is an unknown quantity and as dangerous u' a match to a powder magazine. 1 do not assert that plutonics nro impossible, but I fear they arc likely to turn to love. That child, Cupid, plays such curious pranks with our hearts one never knows what is going to happen next. People live side by Bide in sexless friendships, and ono day, behold Love lias them in his snares. A woman goes out to a danco heart-whole and fancy-free, and meets her coupe dc fondro. She has seen a face that is memorized on her vision for evermore, she has rested on a heart in tho whirl of tho waltz, and all the gray of her life has turned to gold. Men feel lovo with more intensity than women, and they forget more swiftly. They have, in short, more imagination and grenter scope for experience. If women understood men and their lives a little better there would be less unhappy marriages. Man hates to feel that his liberty is' being alienated ; he resists this to such an extent that it is often an im-portant im-portant factor in his love affairs. No human being can really interfere with another's liberty, so this is an erroneous idea at best, given chiefly by the women themselves ; they cling' so persistently to man, interfering H, with his aspirations and hampering his ambitions so that he either burets his fetters or Binks deeper and deeper into the slough of domesticity. Few of us lovo men for themselves or dream of making them happy according to their own lights. Wc want them "all to ourselves;" they must be happy in tho magic circle of our narrow limitation , Just at first, when passion is at its height, man is content to sport his golden fetters, but 'presently ho gazes at the sea and sighs for the distant shores and the H, "Lointaine Princcsse' who is tho emblem nf new and deeper emotions. He wants to pursue the study of life, to fulfill his destiny, to accomplish JH bis evolution the roses arc gathered and dead. |