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Show IfjWARM AND PRETTY INFANT'8 'CROCHET VEST IFOR -COLD WEATHER. Directions 'for the Miking '6t Uteful Garment Shetland Wool the Bet Material for.the Purpose. Ono ounce Shetland wool, nnd a fair-ly fair-ly thick bono hook, about No. 10. As the stitch Is a rather close one, but at the Bamo tlrao, particularly soft 1 and clastic, It Is 'beat worked a llttlo loosely. Work a chain of 12 inches, turn, and work a double crochet into each chain-stitch, chain-stitch, turn. FIvo chain, pass tho hook through the two front threads of the nearest stitch, that is, t'h'o thread which curves, and tho front or nearest top Wm thread, , draw tho wool through and complete tho 'Rtltch llko double crochdt, take up tho two front threads ot tho next stitch and repeat, to the top o'f'lho row; turn, do not make any chain, but pull tho loop which la on the hook out a llttlo beforo starting to work 'down 'again, work in the same way , Into every stitch to tho lower cdgo, turn, Ova chain, nnd continue as bofore, working to and fro until the work is -about two and one:halt inches In width, then In tho following row turn whon within ono nnd ono;half Inch from tho top, keep the rows this length for tho moro, then 'add as many chnln-stitchcs at tho top as required re-quired to bring tho work 'to 'tho original length, nnd work this soconti shoulder piece the samo width as tho first; this will completo half the vest. In tho next ,row leave unworked about four inches from tho top for arrahole, mako ns many chain as there nro unworked stitches and ono extrn for tho turn, and work tho second half of the vest to match tho first, Join round with single crochet, leaving opening .for othor nrmholo. Join tho shoulder pieces with sluglo crochot For 'the Sleeves. Commenco from tho 'Undor part, and work the same stitch as boforo nil round tho opening, , catch to the first stitch, turn, and work back again; repeat from , decreasing de-creasing one stitch at tho join in each of tho first three or four rows until tho sleeve Is about ono and one-half IncTi deep, then work a doublo crochot Into tho back top thread of the nearest near-est stitch,- ft, throe chain into the samo place, paBB ono, a double crochet in next, nnd repeat from all round. Work round tho top of the vest like tho last row of tho sleeves. |