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Show 7 " " NORTHWEST NOTES Tho total valuo of Wyoming products pro-ducts during 1907 was $01,928,953. Tho mineral production of Wyoming Wyom-ing for the past year added $18,375,000 to the wcattli of tho state. Somothlng Hko 15,000 horses wero shipped from Wyoming during tho past year, returning approximately $1,500,000 to tho growers. Prairie fires started a disastrous conflagration In Boulder, Colo., twclvo buildings being burned beforo tho firo was gotten under control. Tho hog Industry of Wyoming is growing, and thcro were marketed during tho year about 5,000 swine, returning re-turning to tho stnto about $50,000. Kings, watches, lockets nnd trinkets to tho vnluo of $1,800 wero stolen by a daring thief who broko tho front window of the Entcrprlso Jewelry company's store In Denver. The total of capital, surplus, deposits depos-its and undivided profits of tho banks of Bono, Nevada, amount to moro than $11,000,000, an lncrcaso of moro than 100 per cent in tho past year. Starting with ono buck nnd a few owes In tho early eighties, Wyoming has rapidly Increnscd her sheep holdings hold-ings until now thoro nre being grazed In this state approximately 5,000,000 sheep. Tho population of Ely, Nevada, has doubled flvo times within tho pnst eighteen months. Its assessment roll has moro than doubled. It hns been by far tho most prosperous year In its history. Surveying will start during Janunry Janu-nry for tho now Guggenheim road from Ely to Tonopah and Goldfleld. Tho road will carry ore to tho big 10,000-ton smelter now nearly completed com-pleted nt McGlll, Nov. Thero aro at tho present timo approximately ap-proximately 800,000 cattle In the stato of Wyoming, vnlued at $20,000,000. During 1907 tho shipments of cattlo from this stato wero valued at approximately ap-proximately $8,000,000. Ton miles of electric railroad have been built In and around Reno, Nevada, Ne-vada, during tho pnst twclvo months, nnd survoys for 100 miles moro wcro completed. Work on these lines will begin early next spring. Hugh Fulton was shot and instantly instant-ly killed by Ed. Johnson at Silver Bow, a Novada camp. The causo of tho killing was over somo mining claims. Johnson was armed with a rifle and Fulton with a six-shooter. Sevonteen persons wero Injured, nono of them fatally, In a collision between two trolley cars In Denver. Ono of tho cars should have taken a siding, but failed to do so, and tho two cars crashed together head-on. A passenger train was derailed near Bono, Nevada, the englno, tender nnd ton cars leaving the track. Two bag-gago- cars overturned and tho track was torn up for half n mile. Passengers Passen-gers were badly shaken up, but none seriously Injured. Tho reports of tho assessor Just In shows a total property valuation in Reno, Novndn, of $5,432,820, an lncrcaso ln-crcaso of moro than $3,000,000 In tho past flvo years. It is estimated that tho lncrcaso for the coming yonr will bo close to $2,000,000. Tho population of Wyoming nt tho present time Is estimated at 125,000. Tho bonded Indebtedness of Wyoming Wyom-ing Is $180,000, nnd this is being paid off at tho rato of $20,000 por year. Tho nnnual lncomo of tho stnto government gov-ernment Is about $700,000. Former Sonntor Thomas M. Patterson Patter-son was assaulted by Fred G. BonlllB, 0110 of tho editors of tho Denver Post, nnd Mr. Pattorson's noso was broken by Bonflls. Tho assault was n climax to attacks mado by eacli on tho other In their nowspnpors for several years. C. B. Shavor, president of tho Fresno Fres-no Flume and Irrigation company, ono of the inrgest lumbering concorne of tho const, died of diabetes at Fresno, Fres-no, Cal., on Christmas day, after an Illness of thrco weeks. Deccnsed, before be-fore coming to this country, was manager of a largo lumborlng concern in Michigan. Charles E. McConnoll, president of tho Smeltor City bank of Durango, Colo., which closed Its doors December, Decem-ber, 17, has been placed under arrest. Tho warrant upon which ho was ar-rostod ar-rostod was sworn to by Harry Jackson, Jack-son, a depositor of tho bank, who had $3,400 on Joposlt when tho institution institu-tion closod its doors. Out of work nnd dospondent bo-causo bo-causo ho could not buy n Christmas present for his dnughtor, Charles William Wil-liam McRoynolds, said to bo tho oldest old-est tologrnph operator west of tho Mississippi river, committed sulcido In Denver Christmas aftornbon by shootIii3 hlmsolf in tho head. Mo-Reynolds Mo-Reynolds was CI yenra old. Colonel T. C. Wopdburn, acting commander of tlio Department of tho Columbia, U. S. A-. in a stntomont mado at Seattle, said that tho wholo Pacific coast would bo helpless In 'caso tho navy should prove unablo to provent the landing of a force of 20,000 Jnpanosoor othor foiolgn nrray nt any of tho numerous unprotected bays atopg tho coast. 1 In tho past yoart600 families havo taken edvantago of tho government's offer and havo Bottled pn tho onco arid lands of Churchill county; Nevada. Ne-vada. In ,tho npxt year at least n thousand moro families aro expected. Already tho rosult of their work Is manifesting Itsolf. In tho past twolvo months Nevada has added moro to tho world's wealth than over boforo. In that tlmo moro mlnos havo been discovered, moro farms havo been started, moro peo-1 peo-1 plo havo como to tho stato, nnd mom ! Industries have been established thar duiioc any previous year. |