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Show O. .S L. TIME TABLE JJJJM Faaaang-ar No. 22 rtmnm No. it' H SOUTH BOUND- -NOKT1I BOUND B ' tf Malad 7:30 am Ly Drlshun 6:10 p m B Lt Carland 8:42 am Ly Corlnna C20 p m flfl Ir Tremont 8:47 am Ly Tremont (:(5pm let Corlnna 9:17 am Lt Garland I :C0 p m B Ar Brlcham 9:40 am Ar Malad 1:10 p ra HBHJ Connacta with Cacha Connect! with Caeha BtaBI Vallar train No. 12 t or Valla? train Noll from J Cidan and Salt Lake. Of den and Salt Laka, MIXED TRAIN. North Bound. Leaves Ogden 8:20 n. ra. Brigham., ..9:55 a. m. Corinne. ... 10:10 n. m. Tremont. . .10:52 a.m. Garland .. 11:20 a. m. Arrives at Malad. . , .1:00 p. m, fl South Bound. fl Lee ves Malad 1:20 p.m. Garland 3:25 p.m. Tremont ..3:40p.m. " Corinne 4:30 p.m. H, BrlRham .. ..4:55p.m. Arrives at Ogdco .... 6:25p. m, F. F. Gross, Local Agent, Garland Utah . LOCAL MAILS. MAILS ARRIVE. From f outh J J 7: P m MAILS CLOSE H Going South I 8.15 a.m. STAR ROUTES.' sVaVaVaVal Mails arrive from Penrose and way at 11:00 a. m. B Mails leave for Penrose and way at 1 :00 p. m. Mails arrive from Stone and way at 6:30 p. m. Mails leave for Stone and way at; 6:30 a. m. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m. Eva C.Wilcox, Postmaster. fl 7 would be pleased to nave our read- ers, and the public generally, send In BH stich items of news as may come under their observation, sdeh as births, deaths, marriages, goings and comings, etc. Many things transpire that we may over- HH look, hence we ask you to assist us In this matter that wa may be able to pub. Ush a i.i. the news. HHU rmpu oMalaad In all eaantrlea, or NO rta. BBBVi Yaaas-aiaBKa, Oimti and Coring bu racta- BjBj' tarad. Ban Bi.tcs, Modal ar Hioto. tor ttaa BBBi raport 00 iwunubiuir. ALL BUtmaai BJBJB ataioTLY eoNriDiNTMi. rataoi cracUaa BBBBBBJ ajaloalTalr. Harpaaalnf filiravM. BBBBBBj wtdeawaka Inr.ntora ahonld bara onr hanoV. BBBBBBJ bookonllowtoobiataaruirMlpatanta.VT'hatuv. SJfBBBI Tcntiona will par.llow to .l partner jindMber BJBJBJB taloaUa Information. Ptni frfilnanjariilrnM. D. SWIFT & CO. I B uttr I ' fy RAPPERS ykc, print Butter" Wrappers .with' specially- prepared" ink, at the following prices : H For 100' s .75 For 20Q ZZTl.25 H ' For 500 I.75 H For 1,000 '2.50 Garland fllohc Ofiicc. . .Wikiiiiv 60 YEARS' Oialjll.HilVEXPERICNCE , 'tKF TitAoc Marks, iaH ., - "V' CorynioHT Ac. ' JbVJB 1 'Anroaataaatngatketchandrleierlntlonniar IBH 1 1 Hlklr-Mwr(tln 9 V uplulon (raa what her an HB ' 1 frvYitiOoB lap'obablf tuutntabl. CouimuHlea. HaniftlatireimSitaiitU. HaNOoDCK onl'.i.uu JBBJBJ lant fra. Olitett aktney (or aacuriiif patanti. jlfK' iVjtauta tow trirouah JJuim a d). rccalra jIB a'4lno(lc, HlioLtorjro, lutha ScRMflfic Hmmti. 9 k A fcaitdioraalr lllaatratad waakir. lartatt etr. B , aulaUon at ally clantlOa lournaU Yarua, H m ijafcfJl N. vj aari foar noaUui, (L tkild brail nrwtdaalar. iaH ' ' bH 1I I OWENS & CO., sll II Dealers in Frosh and Cured Meats and Green Iroeeries. Hfl Fish and Game in Season. , HI Cattle and Hogs Bought and Sold in Carload Lots. DO .YOU SELL BUTTER? JI? ' yu mu Butter Wrapper. IH . This Form Compllt with tha law: PRICE 16 ounces CARLANII Hfl loo ,7255 SEPARATOR BUTTER onlr BOO ll'll "IRS. Wm. KING GLOBE 'B i.5S::::&a I"--tah 0fF.ce l 0- J- CAMPBELL notary public ni 8 GARLAND, . . . UTAH INSURANCE AQENT H PEARL SALOON.. HH I I Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars ( mil Hear the Electric Piano in all the Latest Selections H A. B. MANASA, Proprietor. OAKLAND, UTAH. MOBIAH IVANS, Prasla'snt. ILIA8 A. SMITH, Via Praaldant M. D. EVANS, Caahlar. BH DIRECTOHS LH MOSIAH EVANS, ELI AS A. SMITH, W. W. NITER, THOS. R. CUTLER. IH OEO. RSMNRV, OBO. T. SBBLL, JOHN C. CUTLER, iH HORACE . WHITNEY, W. R. VANPLBBT. THE BANK of GARLAND I Si INCORPORATRO BaBBBaaaSaaB3SE9BK lH Transacts General Banking Business Exchangt drawn m the prkieiifl sHms ef tt IniM States and Europe. Open i Savings Account with us in your yth and provide for old age. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. H , , I THE GARLAND CLUB I 1 eph coombs, Proprietor Choice Wines, Liquors Garland, Utah and Cigars.. Billiard and Pool Room in Connection. H aaaBaTalBB1BBBBBaBjaBBBBjaaB EBB J. W. LEWIS, THE JEWELER II For Fine Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and Jewelry. II flrat Class Repairing a Specialty. Rlter Bros. Block, Garland. H ' ! fssai THE PALACE BARBER SHOP I I E. L. Murvin, Prop. Next to Club Saloon, Garland, Utah. H fffSSSSSSSS M,,,,,, Agent for Ogden Steam Sanitary ralti itriclly obicrrcd. Laundry BH BtaaaTBaBBWaaR I JOSEPH, JENSEN I NOTARY PUBLIC. i GARLAND, UTAH. JAPANESE RESTAURANT TOM NOGIMA, ' Meals and LunclieiJ Served H Proprietor , at All Hp.ur.s. A Good Place to Eat.' Next Door East Club Saloon. -H RUBBER STAMPS I tUUastrr it ms as by tha rtanal aspaaiaiM ot hta tou7vTa caVda'tia' ''JSfiL?? BSBal tOmi of vitaUar far 70a at lhl oStoa i T5a that itiaulataa taalatM tSiU aaftvaLa BsrJl yw OTtilfwlft tat ontiUa tutaass wtiW. ' a |