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Show NEWS SUMMARY Two hotels and seven houses nt Long Branch, N. J., were destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $100,000. ' A strike in overy city and town In Oklahoma In support of tho eight-hour law, involving 30,000 laborers, is predicted. pre-dicted. Twenty workmen were killed and a largo number Injured at St Petersburg Peters-burg by tho collapse of a building in courso of construction. The prosecutors of Harry Thaw aro criticised and insanity exports scored in a twenty-pago booklet, which Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, mother of Thaw, issued last week. Seven men are dead apd ono man Is dying as a result of an explosion of dynamite at Vails, N. J., where a branch line of the Susquehanna rail' road is under construction. Tho Russian admiralty has decidqd not to send any warships either to tho Hudson-Fulton celebration In Now York or tlio portola festival of San Francisco in the autumn. Secretary Meyer has ruled that tho spreadcaglo figureheads which aro to bo removed from warships of tho navy may bo loaned to the states or citlcu for which vessels are named. By the recklessness of a chauffeur, who attempted to cross tho railroad in front of a passenger train at San Diego, Cal., scvon people, occupants of tho automobile, were seriously Injured. In-jured. Louis Brown, 9 years old, while playing ball at Pittsburg, tried to catch a fly batted into left field. The lad stepped off a steep embankment into the Alleghony river and was drowned. A dispatch to tho London Times from Teheran, reviewing tho situation, situa-tion, says both Great Britain and Russia will be thankful to withdraw and let the Persians work out their own salvation. Miss Eliza Warren, a well-known actress and head of a local school ot elocution and acting, probably was fatally fa-tally stabbed at Cleveland, 0 by her sister, Mrs. Mary Sutton, who was temporarily demented. Without firing a shot, a mob took Albert Lawson, tho negro who shot Sheriff R. M. Compton, at Parl3, Tenn., from tho Paris jail and hanged him to a tree. Thirty minutes later the body was cut down. Jose E. Tlperlna was killed, Cayet-tano Cayet-tano Lopez badly wounded and two other Mexicans were shot near McAl-len( McAl-len( Toxas, by Deputy Sherln' i-. u Mayfleld. Tho deputy was tryiug to arrest the men for gambling. Emphatic denal of the report from Mexico City that the United States contemplates establishing a protectorate protector-ate over Honduras is made by stato department officials. Statements of that character, they sala, wore merely "Idle vaporlngs." Capt. Peter C. tlains, Jr., improving improv-ing uio time he wits sentenced to servo in Sing Sing for killing William E. Annis, has invented an' appliance that is Bald to have increased the ef- tlciency of a Hlruot-clcaning machine used in New York. "Tho Ella Cringles case, is absolutely abso-lutely closed so far as this office is concerned,", said State's Attorney Woyman, one day last week. "If Ella tries . to bring additional charges , against Miss Barrctto, I shall tell her to keep out of "my office." A party of twenty-five senators and members of the house is preparing to visit Hawaii. Tho visit will bo in ro-spouso ro-spouso to an invitation extended by the Hawaiian legislature at its last session, and the party will sail from San Francisco August 24. Within a few feet of his bride of four weeks, George Glide Orr, aged 22 years, an attorney of Atchison, Kan., was drowned while bathing in the surf at. tho south beach of La-jola, La-jola, Cal. Ho went into tho surf, and a strong breaker drew him under. Stanley Ketchol, tho champion middleweight mid-dleweight pugilist, was painfully Injured In-jured by being thrown against, tho front of the automobllo In which ho was riding when the machlno collided with a wagon in San Francisco, It was feared at first -.that his arm had been brokon. Hie Iowa board of pardons has recommended rec-ommended an unconditional pardon for Francis Smith, sou of tho author of the hymn "America," who was. convicted con-victed fivo years ago and sentenced to tho penitentiary for eleven years on charges of perjury, larceny" and ombozzlement. Tho suffragettes who recently wero sent to prison for taking part -in disturbances dis-turbances in Downing street, London, wero llborated from Holloway jail last week aB,.tho result of "hunger strike." "Oinj of-thwhr-Ml8-R-eh er4, rofusca. food for 12G hour,s. Sho is now under un-der medical pare. An appeal has been mado by Italians Ital-ians ot Plttston to tho Italian consul for an official inquiry into tho death of Fedelar Lardonz, who shot two men "tot Plttston and was then said to havo killed himself to avoid belna lynched. Lardenz's friends believe he was killed "by a mob. ; , |