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Show Bb1bIB.B.iibIBBbHH J THREE STRIKERS SHOT DOWN f BY GUARDS AT UNERY In an Attempt to Disperse Dissatisfied: ,fl Laborers, Special Policemen ..Jl Charge Crowd With WL Firearms "JS Kenosha, Wis. Threo strikers woro' B shot during rioting at tho plant of N. R. Allen's Sons company, tanners, on 1 . Thursday, and as a result stato 5 troops are to bo sent hero to control! j the situation. Tho rioting began when jl tho guards nttempted to dlsperso M strikers who had gathered In numbers. " about tho ontrnnco to tho plant.. A'. 1 deputy and a policeman woro attack- 1 od with bricks and clubs. Tho guards d drew their rovolvors and charged tho 'M mob, perhaps fatally wounding ono ot j tho strikers. t A fow minutes lator another riot oo- 1 curred near tho plant when tho pollco . I attempted to arrest tho strlko leaders, and two moro strikers were shot. Tho 1 pollco asserted they fired In tho air. Twelve or moro wero arrested. Tho- 11 present troublo sooms to bo tho culml- nation of a long Berles ot labor- troubles at tho tannery plaut. j jl |