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Show NEWS SUMMARY Major Alfred Dreyfus has taken up Ms military duties as mnjor of artillery. artil-lery. Three persons wero killed and twenty Injured In n rallrood nccidont at Eperson Franco. All tho miners who wero entombed as the result of tho explosion In tho Wlngetto colllory near Durham, Eng land, havo been rescued. Threo children of Anthony Hughes at Flandrcau S. D were burned to death ln n flro Hint destroyed a barn In which thoy woro sleeping. Mrs, Lena Cowdln, daugh'tor of Bishop Henry Potter of Now York, committed suicide by hnnglng nt n prlvato sanitarium at Cromwell, Conn. RoVi A. E. .Kelly, promoter ot tho Boulah religious land settlement ln Dickson County, Tennessee, hns been arrested, charged with using tho malls to defraud. Bernard Duffey, who was convicted of holding up and robbing a man' of 8t cents, has bcon sentenced by Judgt Lawlcr of San Francisco to ten year in tho Folsom prison. Jackson Norrls and his father, Geo. Norrls, wero both killed and Joseph Richardson was probably fataBy buo! during a quarrel between tho three near Rising Sun, Indiana. Threo Christians nnd thrco Jews, who wero caught Octobor 12 robbing tho o(Hce8 of tho firm of Frledberg, al Rostov-on-Don, Russia, havo been tried by court martial and shot. Lieutenant Robort B. Calvert, ol tho Twenty-fourth infantry, U. S. A has been killed by Sergeant Taylor pf tho Twenty-fourth Infantry nt Al-bucra Al-bucra ln the province of Leyte. ; Ten men wero burned to death, two perhaps fatally Injured and anothet 'slightly, hurt aB tho result of a Are (Which destroyed tho boarding house of Mrs. E. E. Watloy at Birmingham Ala. The force of laborers engaged in clearing tho streets of San Francisco of debris under tho direction oi President Pres-ident George Duffoy, of tho board of public works, has been 'increased to 600 men. Lowls A. Gclslcr of Paulding, n senior se-nior at Ohio 'Wesleynn unlversRy at Delaware, Ohio, and right end on tho 'Varsity footfall team, fell dead of heart dlseaso on tho Hold after running run-ning down a punt. A caravan consisting of forty camels, cam-els, convoying German goods to Morocco Mo-rocco City, has been pillaged, nnd Dr. Rosen, tho Gorman minister, has entered en-tered an cnorgotlc protest, with tho Morroccnn government. In a raid mado by tho police of San Francisco, flvo porsons wero arrested on the suspicion that thoy may havo been connected with the robbery and murder nt the Klmmon Glnko or Japanese Jap-anese bank a fow weeks ago. Governor Folk of Missouri has granted respites until Decomber 10 for Mrs. Agglo Myors and Frand Mott-man, Mott-man, sentenced to bo hanged on October Oc-tober 26 for tho murder of tho woman's wo-man's husband In Kansas City. Major Ladd has reported to Govern-sr Govern-sr Magoon that ho had finished count-'ng count-'ng tho funds In tho Cuban treasury and found thnt thoy totaled a Ilttlo moro than $12,000,000, mostly In American Am-erican gold. Tho books bnlanced exactly ex-actly Mrs. Topsy Logsh was hold up by two footpads In East Oakland, Cal., and robbed of a small sum ot monoy, aftor the men had seized a baby which sho was carrying nnd threatened to dash It to the sidewalk It she did not glvo them monoy. MacFadyn & Co., tho London house of Arbuthnot & Co., bankers of Madras, Mad-ras, announced Saturday that they had been com polled to suspend payment. The Arm did considerable Indian banking business Tho cnuso of Its suspension was not divulged. A verdict of guilty ot granting re-hates re-hates on sugar shipments wns ro-turnod ro-turnod by a Jury ln tho United States court ln Now York City against tho Now York Central Railroad company and Frederick L. Pomeroy, tho company's com-pany's genornl Unfile manager. A girl only 8 years old committed sulcldo ln Vienna, throwing herself from' tho window of hor mothor's house Into tho street. Tho child hnd an Intenso dlBlIko of school work and her mother had threatened to punish hor If sho did not go to school. Judgo Foster has denied a divorce to Mrs. Carrlo Fisher, of St. Louis, who claimed that her husband went fishing ovory othor Sundnf. Judge ' Foster hold that a man had u perfect right to go fishing ovory othor Sunday Sun-day If ho did it in tho proper timp. WIUIo Hoppo, of New Yorlf City, has ngnln provod his right' to tho title of tho world's champion at 18-Inch balk lino, ono shot In. Tho young lad was chnllonged by tho vetornn, Juke Schaefer, of Chlcngo, and won at tho Madison Squnro Garden concert con-cert hall. The control of tho commorco of tho Panama canal and the wholo Mississippi Missis-sippi vulloy Is tho Incentive for, tho creation of a deep wnmrwav which Congressman Josoph E. RnnBdeu of Louisiana proposos to Chicago business busi-ness interests In an address at the Press club. i |