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Show MARKET REPORT. 8pcclal to the Garland Globus Kansas City Stock Yards, Oct. 15th, 1000. As expected last week's cattle receipts wore the heaviest of thu season at this polut. The run was 80,000 Load, Including 18,000,Dalvos. Largo numbers of country buyers were hero and tho general gen-eral market advanced 6 to 15 cents during thu week. Run today U 211 ,000 head, Including SOW calves, market strong, except on western cows and heavy calves It Is getting late In thu season aud most country buyers aro about ready to lay In cattle for the wiuter's operations, so that a brisk demand from that source is assured assur-ed for awhile. There Is a shortage of hay in some localities, but as tho corn crop Is good nearly1 all over the feeding section, special pains Is being taken to preserve tho fodder where ever the hay crop Is short. Continued high prices for hogs will Insure a profit in feeding, even if cattle prices do not prove .satisfactory. Stuff is coming from the range freely now, stocken and feeders mainly at 13.00 to til.UO, killiug steers (8.40 to 14.23, Colorado cows (2.65 to $8.80, panhandle cows (2.85 to (2.85, cauuers aud bulls (2. 00 to (2-25, light calves (4.75 to (0.25, heavy calves (8.25 to (1.00, Sheep run was smaller last week, 87.000 head, market higher on killing lambs and ou country grades of sheep, muttons uneven. Demand for breeding owes is so great that packers arc Invariably outbid out-bid on ewes, whether thin or fat. Run Is 10,000 today, containing a largo share of feeders, market strong to 10 higher. Some 05 lb Utah lambs sold at (T.55 to day, the top on the general market, although al-though some show lambs sold at (8 50 to day. Fair to good lambs range from (7.00 upwards, yearlings up to (5.G5 wuthcrs (5.20, ewes today at (5 00. Choice breeding breed-ing owes sold at (5.00 last week, bulk of breeding owes (4 75 to (5.25, feeding wethers aud yonrllngs (4 75 to (5.50, feedlug lambs (5.80 to (0.10. J. A. Rlckct, L. S. Correspondent. |