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Show Automobile Went Over Embankment. Waltham, Mass. Hy tho overturning overturn-ing of an automqbllo at tho foot of a long hill between Mayland nnd Sudbury Sud-bury Centor, Mrs. Fred N. Dillon of Fltchburg was killed and Mrs. Georgo P. Grant, Jr., also of Fltchburg, bus-talnnd bus-talnnd n fracture of two ribs nnd other oth-er injuries. Georgo P. Grunt, Jr., who was operating tho machine, osenped practlcnlly unhnrmed. Grant is president pres-ident of tho Grant Yard company, of Fltchburg, nnd. was hiking his Jwlfo and Mrs. Dillon to Iloston to attond u theatre. , |