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Show WO ROT FORM OF ECZEMA. Black Spotches All Over Face Affected Af-fected Parts Now Clear as Eyer-p Cured by the Cutlcura, Rehv ' tl .4' jrf J .. "About four years ago I was afflicted afflict-ed with black splotches all over my fttco' and a fow covorlng my body, which produced a sovcro itching irritation, irri-tation, and which caused mo a great deal of annoyance and suffering, to jucb' an loxtontUhat 1, was, fo'reedto call in two of tho leading physicians of my town. After a thorough examination exami-nation of tho dreaded complaint they announced it to bo skin cczoma In Its worst form. They treated mo for the same for tho length of ono year, but thetreatmejitldf'ine'l no good. Finally Fin-ally "my husband purchased a sot of the Cutlcura -Alcmcdlcs, and aftor using tho contents of, tho first bottlo of Cutlcura Resolvent in connection with tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, tho breaking out entirely stopped. I continued tho use of tho Cutlcura Remedies for six months, and after that every, splotch was entirely goho and the affected parts wero left as iclear as over.', Tho Cutlcura Remedies Reme-dies not only cured mo of that dreadful dread-ful disease, eczema, but other complicated compli-cated troubjqs as, well. ' Llzr.le B. Sledge, 540 Jones Ave., Selma, Ala., Oct 28, 1905." , |