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Show FUN8TON 8AIL8 FOR HAVANA. But Has No Knowledge of Why He la Going. Jacksonville, Fla. -Drlgadlcr General Gen-eral Frederick Funston passed through Jacksonville Sunday after-noono, after-noono, en routo to Port Tampa, whoro ho will board tho steamer OH-votto OH-votto for Havana. General FunBton said positively that ho had no other order than tho orlglnnl order from Secretary of Wnr Taft to report to him In Havana as 'soon as possible " "It is possible," said Gencrol Funston, Fun-ston, "that Secretary Taft wishes to send mo out to confer with somo ot the insurgent leaders, as ho is awaro that I am well ncqualnted with a largo number of Cubans who wero proml-nont proml-nont during tho last Cuban revolution revolu-tion against Spanish authority." |