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Show "TOUCHINESS-.' OF,WIRELE.88. - - 1 ' Like SornePeopIp It It Sensitive to the Least. Variations of Conditions: ' ' 'Wireless telegrnphy Is comparod by a wrltor In Cosmos to n good but ox-cltablo ox-cltablo man, capablo of doing excellent excel-lent work, but nut to "fly oft tho handle' on-thq slightest provocation. This slmllo Is suggested by a recent communication In Drudo's Annnlon, in which Mr. Sachs, a German oxpcrl-mentor, oxpcrl-mentor, reports on tho wn In which spaco-tolcgraphy Is affected by environments en-vironments of various kinds, from Sach's results It would nppoar that wireless Is vory delicate nnd auscoptl-bio auscoptl-bio to outsldo Influences. Says tho writer In Cosmos; "'By placing tho transmitting nnd receiving re-ceiving apparatus at dlfforont holghta above tho ground, ho found that tho transmission1 ls much'' bettor at a certain cer-tain height thnn noar thq .earth. Tho augmentation of effect with holght proves that tho conductlblllty of the earth Interferes, and that tho electromagnetic electro-magnetic energy Is poworfully absorbed ab-sorbed nnd slightly rollectod. . Bosldcs, It Is necessary to take Into account tho length of waves "employed; 'for .short wnves .trananlttod over terra flrmn tho' author concludes that tho Influcnco of tho earth Is always clearly1 unfavorably On tho contrary, If ,tho Horlzan "waves' used aro' of 'groat, length, tho earth, nnd especially tho 8Qajnay bo, sufficiently conducting to aid transmission to'an Important do-grco. do-grco. Tho practical uuo. of tho system lias alro'i -Iiown tho fact that communication com-munication over thd'Bea is castor than .ovor'contlnents, "Mr. Sachs, continuing his oxpori-monts oxpori-monts along this lino, has shown that .tho pqlghbprhood of human beings ucts unfavorably oil tho transmission arid espo'doliy; nh'o " rdcoptlon of signals, sig-nals, Whunce fa -would appoar .that; although tho now. telegraphy is doubt-loss doubt-loss of great eorvictf'to humanity, It Is .cortalnly yorv ,dollcaq anqteuscoptU bio, llko certain peoplo who are excellent ex-cellent at bottomrbut'who aroaffectbd In an, exaggerated .way hy..tro leas'' ox'cltomfr." " - ' W ' ' .! '"it ft, . ' |