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Show WOMAN MAKES THRILLING BUT UNEXPECTED TRIP THROUGH AIR Balloon Anchor Catches Female Spectator by and Carries Her Aloft Is Saved by Aeronaut. Mlddleton, N. Y. Hanging head downward from a rapidly ascending balloon, Mrs. Roper, of Brooklyn, a spectator at a balloon nxconslon at Ellcnvllle, wns carried nearly a thousand thou-sand feet into tho nir the other nftor The Balloon Rose Rapidly Carrying Miss Roper Head Downward. "boon whllo 10,000 horror stricken peo plo expected to see her dashed to death every moment. Tho occasion was tho Ulster county fair, and a largo crowd had boon attracted at-tracted by tho announcement that Miss Magglo Dalloy, an amateur aeronaut aero-naut 'of this city, would make an ascension. as-cension. Miss Dalloy leaped Into fame several weeks ago by making a balloon ascension on a dare. Since then she has mado six nsconslons successfully. An Immense crowd had gathered around tho balloon at thrco o'clock In the afternoon, tho balloon wns fully Inllated, and Miss Dalloy was sitting on tho tapezo. Her manager, Chnrles Wllllnnis, bogged tho crowd to stand back so as to nllow tho balloon to bo cast off. Finally ho gavo tho word, and tho guy ropes were loosonod. Ono of tho ropes whirled Into tho crowd nnd tho loop caught about Mrs. Roper. Tho balloon rose rapidly, carrying Mrs. Roper swinging head downward from tho rope, and Miss Dalley sitting on tho trapeze Mrs. Roper gavo ono shriek of fright and then was still, having fainted. Tho crowd was strlckon dumb by tho occurrence, but Manngor Williams kept his head and shouted to Miss Dalley not to cut looso In her parachute para-chute Tho latter understood and was apparently cool. Tho guy rope, which was fastened around Mrs. Roper's leg, hung from tho top of tho balloon, and she swung by Miss Dalley, describing groat areas In the air. Tho crowd below be-low was frantic, women fainted, and men shouted themsolvea hoarse There was a stiff south wind, and tho gas bag was carried rapidly northward. Soon Miss Dalloy was seon trying to grasp Mrs. Roper as the latter1 swung by her. Sho finally succeeded In gottlng hold of Mrs. Roper's hair. Then it was seen that tho balloon was descending. The crowd rushed madly in tho direction of tho balloon. Mon, women and children climbed fences and rushed wildly through tho flolds and woods. Miss Dalloy, still holding Mrs. Roper by the hair, leaped from tho balloon with her when it was a few feet from the ground. She succeeded suc-ceeded In throwing off tho ropo when tho balloon ngaln soared Into the clouds and was lost to vlow. Mrs. Roper was carried to tho home of Dr. Alice Divine, whero after some tlmo sho recovered consclousnoss. Her Injuries consist of a broken hand and many cuts and bruises. It was only a short 15 mlnutos from, tho tlmo tho balloon went up until the women were back on tho ground, but to tho crowd it seemed hours. |