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Show GOLF YARN BY LONGWORTH I And a Kansas Story In Jtetum by m X nthuslnst at Ui Game. Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio, Is a golf enthuslnst who plays n good game, and Victor Murdock, of Kansas, n goir enthusiast who plays a very Indifferent Indiffer-ent game, when swapping stories In tho houso cloakroom tho other day, says tho Washington correspondent of tho Kansas City Times. "Tho most remarkablo golfer 1 for knew," said Representative Longworth, "wna a man out In Cincinnati, who had a passion for the gamp "it who complicated com-plicated that fervor v n nppctlto for Scotch highballs tl tho wonder won-der of Ohio. "Ilia theory wns thnt ihere should bo n drink server on every tee, nnd he worked It by means of nn army of caddies. Olio nftcrnoon ho camo In nnd announced that he had renounced the game. "'What's the matter, Jim?' said n friend. "'Oh,' ho said, wearily, 'It's no use. ! give It up. Whsnevor I can see tho ball I ca't hit It; and whenover I can lilt it I can't see It.'" Mr. Murdock told this ono: "Out In my town Judge Dale, of tho I district bench, Is about tho best golfer In our club. Ono day ho hnd a ense on trlnl In which severnl small boys had been subpoenaed ns witnesses. Addressing Ad-dressing a bright youth of about 12 summers, Judge Dale solemnly Inquired: In-quired: 'My boy, do you understand tho nature of an oath?' "'Oh, yes, sir,' quickly replied fhe youth. 'I often caddled for you, sir.' " |