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Show AN IDEAL CATTLE BARN. I Plan of Structure Which Will Accom. modnte Twelvo Head of I Live Stock. B The design Is lor n barn 20 reel Ij wide, HO reet long, and 11 reet to tin eaves, which will nccommoduto 1! H head or cattle and nlso glvo room toi H ncccf-sary hay. Tnrough tho center ol the barn Is an entranco driveway H which Is closed with doublo doors si) H reel wldo and seven feet high, whlclj . H 'nllows a wagon to enter for hauling H mnnuro nnd straw. A fcedway ex- H tending from this nntrnnco to tho rem H IIABN FOIl KMKDINO CATTLE. H end ot tho barn has six stalls ot either side. Tho mangers nro built under thi outer wall with n chuto, J, mndo o strips four Inches wldo nnd ono incl thick from tho reed room, I;, down t tho manger. Hay racks nro arrange nbovo tho mangers opening to tin room above, where hay can bo inr down. In tho feoil mom n number o: bins for bran, etc., aro built. When marc stalls tiro needed, explains thi Farm and Home, the barn can be bull longer and or tho rtimo width as do scribed, and the ni'mbcr or stalls In creased by making thorn slightly nnr H rower, or less than four reet wide. |