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Show I SEVEN YEARS ACO Rochester Chemist Found a BLngu-larly BLngu-larly Effective Medicine William A. Franklin, of tho Frank lin & Palmer Chemical Co., Rochester, I ln , N. Y writes: III "Soven years ago I I was suffering very . :L I much through tho Mujtw I fnll,,ro ot 11,0 ltld" iMsMStf!mA neys to cllmlnato Mff-aSiSl tho uric acid from ry I --Vni if kac' waa vr' iLaa-ifedbyjl ami ached if I ovorexorted myself In tho least degree. At times I was weighed down with a feeling of languor and depression and miff oral continually from annoying irregularities ir-regularities ot Iho kidney socrotlons. I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Tills and began using them. I found prompt, relief from tho aching and lameness In my back, and by tho tlmo I had takon thrco boxes I was cured of all Irregularities." Sold by all dealers: HO cents a box. Fostor-Milbiirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 8 1 HI ' WOllTH INVESTIGATING. The use of linnd cream separators sep-arators is very rapidly growing grow-ing among fanners who milk cows for profit. Dairy men prefer to purchase the cream and be relieved of the work of separating, and it is much moro profitable for the farmer to do his own separating, for he saves the skim milk on which he can raise his calves, in addition addi-tion to which ho saves the hauling haul-ing of his milk, which nlono amounts in many cases to the monthly payments required to buy a cream separator. Tho best time to separate the cream from the milk is while it is fresh and warm. The cream separates easier and a greater percentage is obtained, and the skim milk is left sweet and fresh to be fed to the calves. The U. S. Cream Separator, sold by the Consolidated "Wagon "Wag-on & Machine Company, has geatest capacity, skims tho 3leanest, works the easiest, and lasts the longest. Agents everywhere. We give your letter Tho Bnnio onroful attention wo would Rlvo you If you en II on" In person. per-son. Romombor thin. Salt Lk City. Utah Union Assay Office M. b. HtNUUIK. P. O. 0 146 J, V. SADllll, 1M.T LAKI OITY, UTAH BEND YOUn ORDERS TO THB D. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. FLORAL DE8IQN8 AND 0ECOHATION8 CHOIOE CUT PLOWEH8 THO. HOiOAr. MAMAOIB AITIAKIOITV When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. g3D:;"y trouble I Suffered Two Years- Reltevid In Three Mil. C. B. FIZEIl, Mt. Sterling, Ky., I writes : " Unve suffered with kidney and H bladder trouble for ten years past. U " Last March I commenced using H Pcruna and continued for three months. I havo not used it since, nor havo 1 felt a pain. " 1 bcllovo that I am well and I there- D foroglvo my highest commendation to w tho curative quullt les of Portion." H Pc-ru-nn for Kidney Trouble. B Mrs. Geo. II. SImser, Grant, Ontario, ffl Can., writes: (H " I had not been well for about four jf years. had kidney trouble, and, In U fact, felt badly nearly all the time. ' R "This summer I got so very bad I H thought I would try l'eruua, so I wrote II to VQjiand. began at once to tako Peruna and Maualin. H "I took only two bottles of Pcruna V- I and ono of Manulln, and now 1 feel II better than I hnvo for some tlmo. H "I feel that Periinaalld Mnnalln cured I mo and mndo u dlllVrcnt woman of mo I altogether. I bless tho day I picked up P thollttlu book and read of your lVrunn.' H It Is the busl'iess o f the kidneys to I remove from the blood all poisonous I materials. They must be uetlvo all the E time, else tho system sulTers. Thoro aro times when they need tt llttlo usslstntice. nil Pcrunn is exactly this sort of a re'ni- H edy. It has saved many people from 9 disaster by rendering tho kidneys ser- 9 vice nt n time when thoy weiu not ablo II to bear their own burdens. |