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Show END OF SOFT COAL STRIKE. Mitchell Wins Concessions for 32,000 Miners In the West. Knnsas City. When tho sub-corn-mlttco of tho conference of southwestern southwest-ern soft coal miners nnd operators mot on Friday to submit to tho full conferenco tho agreement on their dir-(Icultles dir-(Icultles ndopted Thursday night, It was predicted that tho strlko in this part of tho country would bo declared off during tho day. Tho nine presidents presi-dents of the districts comprising Kansas, Kan-sas, Indian Territory nnd Arknnsas had on May 30 agreed to tho proposition propo-sition offered by tho operators, but tho Mlssourlnns hold out, lighting for cer-tnln cer-tnln smnll concessions. It wns thoso difficulties that John Mitchell, presl-dent presl-dent of the United Mine Workers ot America, wno called hero to clenr up, and when tho conferenco closed nt midnight, nftcr fifteen hours of argument, argu-ment, ho hnd succeeded In gaining tho concessions from tho operators. Tho ngrecmcnt renews tho 11103 scalo of prices for tho period ending March 31, 1908. It nffects approximately approxi-mately 32,000 miners In Missouri, Knnsns, Indlnn Territory nnd Arkansas. Arkan-sas. Tho Rtrlko has been In effect Elnco April 1. |