Show speaks alEl to tc women ogden utah it L teems I 1 had always been bothered thoun q functional disturbances ia wah fk I 1 f tok ap a bottle of 0 rk dr Tal favor assay prescription orits ll and in tt it I 1 found 4 so go much relief that I 1 took another bottlo and latter after that I 1 had no further trouble after I 1 married and during ill kiy expectant derild r suffered buffered a thousand deaths with ache alli al in my limb back 1 t bogan basan takina dr pierce favorite until I 1 1 prescription I 1 highly this medicine for any young recommend tobo tobe to bo be I 1 know chepa abe favorito PreE mother tion will alve relief whitt other crip have fallad mrs ivan a 9 La carboa st nt all dealers dealer tablets or liquid iota IN fw YORK 0 owna gra a contract C holi lr i ORO 11 JANT KEIt ls y bush ush avenue dr brooklyn Dro 0 oklyn now york AU ants WANT darku ni Ku t to n itam won vo M 1111 at I 1 larn asali 6 dail Sali vre fr sam write hulitt NE sa s ipa 0 CO o As 9 lit bt 1 as new alty 1 1 noha AND lallas lAll MS ki 4 jf tu ro A will 0 o arin II 11 it berit J im t urn ur wo vi OWN tile tho LAND annir UNION loilyn I dA w fa throat eore soret throat bront Q a hus Linesa I 1 and similar r Q b t troubled leo lea q I 1 quickle q relieved 1 1 with ludino DEMAND BAYER ASPIRIN take taka tablets without fear if f you see geo the safety bayer cross warning I 1 unless you see tile gallia buyer bayer on package or on tablets yoi are riot not getting vie gentil genuine n e payer dayer aspirin proved sure toy liy millions gild prescribed by for 20 years yeam buy uy Bi bayer iyer when you ou buy aspirin imitations rony mity proy a dangerous adv APP da auva reli la asoo U 4 ler LIL IND arlo Is 6 ballans ball ANS hot water S SW sure relief L s FOR I 1 25 and 75 pha scold W N V U calt lako lake city no 10 |