Show part payment by france indorsed endorsed Indor sed washington A proposal by franco france to pay part of her war debt to tile the united states in advance of ratification flea by tho the french parliament and tile the aim rican senate of the mollon mellon ncr ber agi congiont la Is on its ita way horo here front from paris tile tho treasury department has announced that such an aggeo anent la a satisfactory to it announcement of n frances Fran coa intention to pay on juno june 15 tho the sum of 10 on an account of oe thi the french debt exclusive of 0 the obligation a arising r ising from tho the purchase pur chasu of surplus war materials mato rials was mada in a formal anent by the treasury troa aury which quoted secretary mollon mellon as saying that the payment lay ment and ont outlined lined aro are satisfactory to tho the treasury department part ment |