Show industrial AND LABOR labor in the tic united states had ft prosperous and in general a quiet year there ans ang not one general strike wages maintained their high level and in many were increased the new york central atall way company increased the pay of employees 22 chicago teamsters won nn an increase Inc rense in feb auary by a short strike and so did several other local unions inter wages of verlous classes of em cm floyces were raised during tile your year liy by the lie federal bear board only tile ho textile workers of maine buttered ered a reduction in ili november silk bilk workers of linter son N J went on strike and so did tile the garment workers vor kers of both now new york and chicago the american federation of labor held its convente conven tf on in 1 el 1 l paso texas communism and the labor party movement were again squelched i litia and samuel gompers was elected reelected re rd prel dent ile he and pinny funny of the del delegates went to mexico city for tho the convention of the pan american labor fedoration federation era tion mr gompers was elected president of that body whilo while there lio lie suddenly foil fell III and was hurriedly brought back to sun san antonio where ho he died on december 18 13 in july the federal trade commission ordered nil all steel companies to abandon the pittsburgh plus system which was said to work injustice to td the middle west the commission also accused the tha aluminum company of america of questionable practices organized labor won a gret victory on october 20 when the supreme court of the united states ruled that red fed oral cral courts must grant jury trials in contempt cases growing out of labor disputes |