Show G H 8 NOTES the blue and white the 0 if S paper was very success successful fal mid and the students wish to thank the business houses down town who supported it by taking nn ad in the paper may the now new year bo be filled with success tor for them la Is the wish of the student body I 1 1 f the large crowd which attended the 0 11 S annual ball balls spent penta a very pleasant evening in merriment and dancing tho the dance avas was a great success everyone ts Is back tit in school again after spending the happiest joll lest holidays ever celebrated good honest effort ut tit study ls la a good resolution to f ollow follow up the two weeks relaxation como coma on G 11 S lets go 90 wo we aro all well pleased with the splendid work mr peters did in printing the blue and white for the G II if S the arrangement of headlines and material are just like a real newspaper while the ads could not he be better the students of the G H S wish to extend their thanks to mr peters for the help he gave in putting out the flie christmas issue and wish him a and d prosperous new year wo we thank you peters fam amaly ily |