Show RED 90 GROSS ADVANCING IN HEALTH ALTH CAMPAIGN C extends service to now new fields and brings healing hope to remote sections the supreme opportunity for or leadership for or the american rod cross la Is its health service thus a committee made up of 0 prominent physicians banit Itar arians fans and public health exper experts tso after months of exhaustive study reported and urged that not hot only should the red cross continue its present service but should undertake a comprehensive educational campaign along public health lines the annual report of the american red cross just issued discloses that it has grasped this opportunity in the fields of public health nursing instruction st in home hygiene and care ot of the sick nutrition work first aid to the injured and in water lifesaving life saving health service to la fundamentally historically and practically an important fu function nation of the rod red cross and each year marks its extension into now fields and along broader lines in the red cross nursing service there are enrolled nearly nurses of whom served during the world war the past year red cross nurses assigned to duty in isolated Isol atod sections of 0 alaska and north carolina and to work among the fishermen of penobscot day bay me the public health nursing service Sor vice inaugurated by the american re red d cross in 1912 which operates CIA chiefly ally in rural sections untouched by other public health agencies has 1038 red cross nurses working under the direction of chapters this work has won so high a 0 regard that many of the nurses are taken over by the local authorities to maintain health services tor for their comment communities instruction in home hygiene and care of the sick Is noting a steady advance since 1914 certificates of proficiency have been given women who completed the red cross course in the last year certificates wore were a awarded w added and students were under d er the instruction of 1054 red cross nurses the benefits derived from meals balanced to meet each persons peculiar needs Is winning widespread recognition tion through the work of the red cross nutrition service particularly in the schools during the school year 2688 carried on regular instruction in nutrition reached more than children and adults moro mora than 2250 volunteers assisted assirie d in this work throughout shout the country health meetings were held under red cross auspices attended by approximately apar persons |