Show aye tank so too owing to the scarcity af pf butti butter lately we tile the following fol lowin verses taken from in an exchange ill might ight be very appropriate ayo b bano ano brinin in minnesota foi formaro dioro than yaro ayo ralso boino wheat and corn and rat fit some hogs and ayo aye watch dat farmer business celoso for where da lioney gits and nyo find it conein ahon you bano bane tits alta dam dain falla b bano r alno balsin gr ains and haulta dam dain to town tawni illin him got no money in da him broke da whole yaro round dani dam folla fella what bano fatton stock dan ban rich and don ban poor sometimes him mako make plenty money sometimes min him losin more but dam fella wd do brindle cow him git bully ting you bot him never loso lose whole crop if ground bandry ban dry or got too wot when hall hail ban st down da crop and ban raisin fi ni at night him film call dam brIn brindlow dlos in and ban tits ties him got dam separator what make a lot of cream him got money comin tri in like a pleasant dream him got da money in da bank him got da amonoy in ills his mits him band bano no follow him otist ban tits |