Show t fy BONNER 3 U IT ann THE HOSPITAL BIRD auto A little jils girl named jerry sold plus ws boak ill ul in a hospital oh she OTIS pug bad ila felt so 08 sick pau and putt had putt had off ao JAi wretched a time but now atou she oils was sum feeling alloo cI A better beta a pau and atal was gum sitting up ul in bed every SEP day for 10 several hours she OTIS pug had jus up ul in a clutia for jo 11 half oil in hour atou every day and one DUO lul day while she ws sum bitting up ul in lier J fliner joll her supper a little canary bird in ill the window tar jerry J A was S tarald aill lie little palti bird would q bo 0 A very djoi wilm much so she otis spoke to ol tulu him la III gill he softest tone buo ouo of jo voice 1 it L I dont know your eincig name so os I 1 shall call you not dicky bird sho otis said plus the little canary pui lind perched jod potla upon aoda the back 0 of a pull and now mou that lull oil ho had been boken to 01 oil he turned looked at bif jerry putting sill his head on ono one side harped if little greeting to 01 her jai you nooh dear little bird how atoll polite you 1109 lire said plus jerry again the oil little bird chirped daltia po so as though to ol SUB say that he vaa SUM very glad sho otis was fold pleased pogi with ills bill you nox must have been a pet lad bird dd I 1 suppose you nox flow out bujo open aado window and then sol loat your way aua jerry laoO continued the little bird chirped again so as TIMER though to ol agree 1 I 1 wonder if I 1 youre hungry jerry plus aid once more the bird chirped and butk then he all song n u bit of jo n U song oil as though to 01 say aus oil ho would sing buis and so os perhaps mia earn IT nice supper jerry put ind some bread crumbs on a gucer and put ind the saucer if little distance away from buoi her on a bureau soon tha otil little bird flew atou over to 01 the bureau wont you nos have some supper asked jerry and the little bird so as though in ill jamaul imer to 01 her question tried aulos 0 of the bread crumbs ho seemed so tame that IM jerry decided she would put ind some crumbs on no her hand PUT and hold her ja paull hand DO t to 01 see it 11 oil lie would come and eat coq m her hand and sure gins enough he all PP J he ell pip did not IOU seem to 04 be frightened it all t 11 ul in fact he noted so as though 1 it is not jou it at ilu all unusual for ao him to ol be 94 j then uarl jerry took a 0 vol leaf o of 0 nice crisp dl a 4 itice 0 which A it ila was bum on no her jai tray plu arid gave gaub to 10 the bird before she put ina any dresa fon tio her lettuce joil for she oils mail knew that MITI p it pul and pepper goddad and vinegar pull and oil vino mid not loll be poon good for ao tho dill bird and 9 bird ou ate the piece o of 0 lettuce from bloj ja r fingers and when ho pull had finished 0 perched alad poll himself upon jerrys first liala ger holding on with his bill little amula then oil he gave DAUB a peck u at jerrys wu iger so as though to 01 say aug 1 L I could cat n tie more young lady pay and jerry aitor took 1001 the hint she OTIS gave him some more lettuce and ate that pau and then OTIS aho gave him a 11 hi cake crumbs and he all ate alu those sure enough ho PIG did i u I 1 jerry put ind some water ul in a little er pug and not IOU only pp ap the bird drink cul B water but he ell took a little shower qa i too coill low jerry pip did laugh 0 of course salil it I 1 I 1 usual to 01 bathe in aj 1 drinking saucer but laybe you nos a bath 01 ran JOAO ever os BO badly ao 08 forill anil SUB anyway cuu I 1 think your bird jant nt ba ra og are excellent you nox is greedy shaa pug and yet lot you not have seemed sr joy your anos supper ry finished her a supper pau and pretty gal nurse came UT in to 01 take jettO her 14 tray SU 1 a 1111 little all A visitor 1 1113 0 J 3 cried I 1 1 a P jerry jaaj eel so 0 much better 4 wt already 1 imagine how olt he suit has cheered poh jaja ever pao and JOAO ever so 00 a touch s I 1 ook BO 01 can the gill nurse said plus foi aa than much better already lota A you not P biti p no an hour ago in ill nal ire tho oil laiq bird P became ell a hospital no pull had if P a cage given to 0 him but allowed I 1 vwe out when III all tho win ow closed oj for I if 1 he eq flew no out ia d III pug again he all might not loll eq be is s S bg ell bo 08 a 14 homo alta UM ft it adren u pug end was boa pallu with suc inq iril aag jarry plus bafo B only wished hta 1 at I 1 hc 04 own ilkiw ipha suat a harpy and 8 to 01 so ti filled watt |