Show B A CK A C H E 00 TERRIBLY mrs lR robinson tells how she found relief by taking lydia E Pink hams liams vegetable compound amarillo texas my backwash rny my greatest trouble lo it would ache so that it would almost kill hill mo me and I 1 would havo have cramps I 1 suffered in this ills way about three years e then a lady yr friend lars conj bug a ug go asted a tod that I 1 try eddia lydia E R Pink hams vegetable aft blockon had bettor health since keep house and am able to do my work I 1 recommend 4 4 tho the vegetable compound to my friends as it has certainly given mo me great rt relief 11 B ROD iNsoN N lincol the vegetable compound to 0 o n splendid medicine for women it relieves tho the troubles lea which cause such symptoms as ae backache painful times irregularity tired and warn out feell nga and norvola nesa tills this Is ia shown again and again by such otters letters as aa mrs robinson writes as aa well as aa by ono woman woma n tolling another these women ickow what it did for them it is surely worth your trial housewives mako make a great mistake in allowing themselves to become so BO ill that it la Is well nigh impossible for them to attend to their necessary household duties rheumatism n im 0 cannot exist in tho human body it if you will uso trunks prescription it Is in tact fact it its IB a shamo shame to 0 suffer with inflammatory muscular sciatic or any form of oc ithee ilheu ma cism this prescription does not ruin the tha stomach it loeb does not de deprejs preas alto heart eat all tho the meat and rood good food you wish while taking trunks prescription contains no mercury late soda oil wintergreen or narcotics but poat positively overcomes any kind of rheumatism or gout on earth what more do you want there Is nothing just as rood good and it Is impossible to got something bettor the greatest urlo uric acid solvent known and also a lor liver medicine trunks prescription polls for or or 3 for or only at drug druff istoresi trunk aroa drair coo co o deriver denver colo FRETTER B E T T E KA DEAD life la is a burden when the abe body is racked with pain everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted to bring back tho the sunshine IN 0 LD H ft 0 HAARLEM 01 1 the national remedy of holland for aver over years it la is an enemy enemy or of all pains resulting from kidney liver and uric acid troubles all AH druggists three sizes look for the narno name gold modal medal on n vry every box and accept no imitation n assi jed op sa es fy t tor toro w maj P fl fluid nid ad In isIng yet I 1 fc w with ith ul d brugt r u as dropped da ped tn in by ha hand d salvy A A so e 01 14 rom jy Is 1 abst b est t rc awk all ve 25 cint A I dru s fists tl ra p sa SA Cuti cura soap imparts mp arts the velvet ve vet touch soap ointment 25 add tal talcum cua za PARKERS PARKER 3 HAIR BALSAM q I 1 restore color tend and bounty to graz cray and faded ham 60 imd i oo 00 at t orrist chem I 1 ucb N HINDER CORNS conn cal lo 10 u s em e eto ta st topi ml pain paid comfort to ati f act ce t m k to tamo fv IB M by zlati or at t brug chem cal works it sure bu wake relief ie FOR indigestion won 51 01 M 16 6 BELL BEL BELLANS LAN L AN ANS S arf hot water acs hyrb su ro relief SELL L ANS S 25 AND 74 rr J rz |