Show TROPIC from ou our r regular correspondent born to mr and mrs leo barton may 24 a boy mother and child doing nicely G will sam iain Shakespea and rand miss ada munson leslie lefevre and miss flora johnson two very prominent young couples left monday to be married in the manti temple our wishes are that they shall haye have a long and happy journey through life they were accompanied to manti by mrs estella johnson andars and Mrs serenia munson miss orpha cope left tuesday for logman logan where she expects to spend the summer at the U A C on lier her way she will stop oyer over at beaver a few days and visit friends and relatives bishop 0 wilford dark clark and alad Ephr ephriam iain caffall of cannonville Cann onville were transacting business in tropic 1 I t this his week beok jo joe ae neilson n and joe hak espear are home for a few days daya they have been doing contract work on the tropic bryce canyon road tile the tropic sunday school was reorganized sunday with the following owl marion frost SUP erin 7 frank riding first assistant si stant leo munson second assistant si stant bishop johnson and frank ahlstrom have gone g one to marys marysvale vale on business mrs ida smith and two daughters elizabethans Elizabe Elizabet hAnd inia are arc guests of mr and mrs joseph johnson this week |