Show L deir dear reader this is your corner all questions submitted will bo be cheer f vt mal 1 carefully care tully lly answered except those seeking medical advice names and addresses of business firms cannot be printed here but will be sent h a self addressed stamped envelope accompanies tho the request questions are arc limited to two full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can bo be made all communications are held strictly confidential in requesting poems and songs the correct title the first line or the name of the author is necessary in order to find them please send stamped A dressed addressed envelope also with these requests so they may bo be forwarded directly to you address letters very plainly with pen and ink to helen brooks box 1545 salt lake city utah SONGS RECEIVED the following songs anil and poems have b been ten received during the past week and I 1 wish to thank each one for or their kindness in n contributing them the ship that never returned asleep at the switch the pride of the ball the last pierce charge SONGS REQUESTED those these songs and poems are on the requested ird ard to tobe be pound found list mammy 0 mine aline you know I 1 love you I 1 am ain Nob odys darling I 1 cachot be your sweetheart jealous lover man kiss me again the cottage by the sea BG be sure your saddle Is good and tight long long ago on the banks of the brandywine california and you unknown title have you marked and trenched tho the ground where tho the din of arms anna must sound the bird with the broken pinion the merry alack Dela delaware delabar war 0 where has My RC Little dog gone dear miss brocho wo we are two girls 16 and 17 years ot of age and wish your advise on some puzzling things 1 Is it all right for or girls of our age to go BO to tile the movies in the evening in company with young men and let them kiss you good night we have noticed in your corner that you did not approve of this and we wish to know your objections our folks approve of tills this 2 la ii it proper for us to go with different youlif pen men instead of a steady we are now g going with two handsome young mon men that we admire very much they do not want nor ike to have us go with other young men can you please tell us why that Is 3 because a girl has bobbed hair wears rolled stockings short dresses etc should people have the opinion of her that she la Is tough As long as a girls conscience Is clear that Is enough do you not agree with us 4 Is it fair to your parents if they object it if a boy friend writes to you and they are not allowed to get or see the letters wishing to see these answered in our piper paper and wishing you much success in your work we Tern remain aln as ever DOLLIE DIMPLES meridian ida all right girls let us hope I 1 may help you certainly it to Is not proper for you to go anny y pla place with young men if you allow them tills this privilege you are evidently of too immature years to understand how to conduct yourselves properly my objections are well sustained and approved ot I 1 am sure by every thinking person and the reasons are obvious it if you will but look about you and study the conditions condl condi tons which exist in your own and every neighborhood bood conditions condl condi tons which a are r e caused largely by indifferent and careless consideration elde ration of the proper customs and conventions established by experienced persons older and wiser than you 0 or I 1 who from study and observation have seen the wisdom and necessity of the establishment of such customs why should opa one wish vish to make ones self a common thin thing for coar coalso 0 and u unrefined h amusement for every boy one happens jo fo be with 2 1 I most surely do not approve of allowing one boy to monopolize any girls time and attention she should le be allo allowed sved to have as many friends and admirers as she chooses in what aha oher way will she ever be able to judge and choose a permanent one 3 no she should not be condemned tor for effecting these v tyles styles but you must admit that many of them are very careless and indifferent in regard to their be behavior baylor which seems to be a part of the makeup make up there are exceptions to be sure as ir IH all other things we can sometimes soothe our conscience into acting according to our bidding 4 it Is neither fair to parents to refuse to allow them to sea iles letters nor Is it fair to the children for parents to insist upon seeing the them M each should have confidence in the other to have harmony dear miss brooks I 1 surely cannot express my thoughts of low glad I 1 was to once more see your corner in our paper I 1 talked to our editor and lie he promised melt me it would le be idour in our paper this week miss brooks I 1 have quit dances altogether and I 1 have found that it a much better moth method to follow as I 1 arn am much brighter I 1 in my sch school stud studies lea it was was so foolish foolas h for me to think of dances at i my age anyway which was 11 the of september I 1 would like to have your advice on one more tb thing ing I 1 want a bl cycle which I 1 have anone money y to buy but my r mother objects to me hv having aring one I 1 would be glad to boycott sweet things to eitan earn this but mother im afraid will not let me what s should hould I 1 do please let me know whether I 1 should send a stamped envelope tor for a personal reply I 1 am 93 As eyer yo your ur sincere friend BOBBIE ida well bobble I 1 am 0 no o delighted that you have been convinced of th the e folly of attending dances while so young your school work Is by tar far the most important thing to be considered for some time yet and dearle dearie mother knows betto better r thin than arly anyone ofie else what her little daug daughter liter should aboul d hai ha S il as she in familiar with every condition which pur rounds round a you and has your in interest teresi at else in the heart more than anyone world ald could PO isible bly have sa 83 I 1 would advise you yoli to juat bring brig every argument vou have in ill arvor ot 01 owning the to mother and present thern them to hor bor in the nicest possible manner it if she in IH not then convinced that it is a good idea for or you to have it you may rest assured she has good reasons for not wishing you to awn one dont you yell think so no it if you kinli a personal reply bobble bobbie send a stamped envelope dear miss helow helen I 1 call on you so often im afraid ill wear my welcome out but you are so nice about helping everyone evo that I 1 like ilka to come coma again and again and now after I 1 thank you for the information you save gave me may inay I 1 ask two more questions 1 I 1 how should one eat cat olives asparagus peas corn on cob lettuce salad and rice 2 will you give mo the names of some of our nations greatest poets poeta and authors who are living I 1 thank you ever so much couf your true friend fr lenil LUX LUXIE nunn LEa no you do that my dear clear 1 olives are eaten with tho the fin fingers gors asparagus peas and lettuce salad with the fork when corn Is served on tile tho cob and holders are not provided hold the ear of corn in the right hand eat bat it as gracefully as possible which chic h to Is it A difficult thing to do when rice alc la served as a vegetable eat with text th fork 2 among tho the most notable living american amei lean poets poeta are henry van dyke frank L stanton edwin markham and robert loveman james whitcomb hiley ella wheeler wilcox will carleton and madison J caroln are well known poets who have died during the past ten years 2 among our well known authors of fiction which I 1 take it you wish ara are louis i oseph joseph vance randall parrish ilar harold old macgrath Ma carath samuel blythe irvin S cobb zane grey booth mary roberts roberta rinehart Rl kathleen hathleen nor rs james oliver curwood and nina wilcox putnam dear miss man brooks I 1 was very vory much pleased for the answers you gave me last time would it be too much bother to answer a tow few moret more my aly sister has also been interested corner 1 s it proper or In proper to ask a boy friend into the house when he has come to make a date if this Is about the second time lie has come 2 Is it proper for a girl of thirteen years of age to go barefooted bare footed in the summer BRIGHT EYES EYE S AND SWEET LIPS americus Amerl cus kansas glad to welcome you again bright eyes you come quite a distance to visit with us dont you 1 I 1 it I 1 la 13 always proper to invite anyone into your you house when their call Is of oc a social nature 2 no it Is hardly proper for a a girl of thirteen to go barefoot bare foot dear dear miss illas brooks I 1 certainly enjoy reading your corner every saturday when our town paper arrives I 1 would like to ask a few questions 1 could you please tell me where I 1 can find some good humorous and religious or moral readings thanking you in advance and hoping to see my que question stion answered in the next paper I 1 remain your friend BLONDIE of idaho it Is very gratifying to td know you a enjoy my corner and I 1 am very glad that you are now making practical practice tica I 1 use ID of f it I 1 believe that the peerless will fill 1111 your need this book sells tor for in the book stores here please send stamped envelope if you w wish ish the address of a book store as an I 1 do not give business addresses here T 0 inquisitive DIMPLES ES GERALDINE and bardan BARBARA montpelier ida your answers were forwarded by letter to one of the names you gave in your letter it was returned to me marked Pun unknown known a and nd 1 I then sent bent it to one of the other names and it was also returned to me marked m the same I 1 will now hold these letters and it if you wish the answers please send a name by which I 1 can reach you dear miss man brooks I 1 also like a great many others have been interested in your work and corner I 1 think it wonderful the way you answer the questions this Is my first time to enter I 1 am fifteen and live in a country of sage brush I 1 love to ride horses go everyN everywhere here on them and the faster they go the bett better or I 1 thank the girl for the recipe tor for a good complexion plex pl exion I 1 on I 1 believe as she does I 1 I 1 never owned a lokot powder not because I 1 co have it but I 1 hate it and tho the looks of it it as bael bad to powder the way they do as tor for a man to smoke I 1 think we ought to be proud of the complexions completions complex ions god gave us and not coyer cover them up I 1 hope hop I 1 will never bo be tempted to use it for it if anybody needs it I 1 do 1 what else elsa are th the e best beat studies tor for a girl it to 0 study in high school when she ahe aist wants to 1 be a plain women as they call them besides domestic a art rt and science ce 2 the meaning of elma and jessie A HAPPY GIRL lasal utah thanks happy girl I 1 am glad you like us and enjoy the corner I 1 am sure our little wyoming friend w will ill be glad to kno know vv she has another ally perhaps it quite no mo bad as smoking dear as it does not affect oui our physical or moral well being to the extent that tobacco sometimes does 1 every plain modern woman should have ap aa advanced study in Engli english sli mathematics home economics e cono physical education and industrial art as Is in possible tor for her to obtain even though b she la Is planning c on n being only IL a plain in home homemaker maker 2 the nane elma haa bas no special meaning jessie la Is a scotch form of janet meaning grace of the lord dour dear miss brooks three clinora for just between you and mol tills la Is tile the birst litno I 1 lieve over ever joined it llope hope I 1 am welcome will you print the words to tile the song bonic taps it coos coes like tilts tills 1101 1 ild tile tho camp fire hinl had and lonely lies iles I 1 bior ier little boy called taps londs loads of love MICKEY wyo wye indeed y your our are welcome wol como come again I 1 rin nin hoping someone will recognize your song and you may havo have it inter on iiii dear it la is unfamiliar to nio luo as ab I 1 have never heard it |