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Show GREAT TRIBUTE TO -WORKER I Carlyle Recognized Worth of Toller H Who Labored for His and Others' fl Dally Dread. Vcncrnblo to mo Is tho hard hand; H crooked, coarso, wheroln, notwlth- jH standing, lies a cunning vlrtuo, In- H defcaslbly royal, ns of tho scoptor of jH this planot. Vcncrnblo, too, Is tho lH rugged faco, nil wcathor tanned, bo- jjH soiled, with Its rudo intelligence; for IJ It Is tho face of a man living manlike. jH O, but tho moro veuorablo for thy JJH riidouosB nnd nvon bornuso wo must M pity as woll as lovo thoot Hardly on- treated brother! For us was thy back H I eo bent; fur us woro thy straight AH 1 limbs nnd fingers so doformed. Thou H wcrt our conscript, on whom tho lot ; fell, and fighting our battles wort so ; marred. For In thco, too, lay a God 4M created farm, but It was not to bo un- M folded; Incrustcd must It stand with thu thick adhesions and doiaccincuts iH of Inbor; und thy body, llko thy soul, H was not to know freedom. Yet toll on, H toll on; thou art In thy duty, bo out of It who may; thou tollest for tho altogothor Indispensable for dally ,1 bread. Carlylo. ,1H |