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Show m MERLIN SOUTHWICK TELLS0F ENGLAND Bl , lleltirii Homo After Helng In War Iff one fur Ncnrl) Thirty Months in lii Sccrctnrj of IJurojitnn .Mission. Bit! M Willi Southwlck icturiied Sunday Rmi , from Ills Mission to Knglnnd. lie left Hjp! I.rhl Septombcr 11, 1913. Ho was HJJ first assigned lo llurnley In tlio I.lvrr- fc ' pool Conforoucc, nml nftor 4 montliH, HS! was inndo Conferenco secretary with Km headquarters (it Ulackburn. Ho fill Bxj ft cd this position for C montliB nnd wns BSH&t, tlicti transferred to Liverpool, whero tt'. ho nerved ns emigration clerk for the, HHtBt rlmrcli, nnd was then mndo decretory HJi'ffj fr t,ln European MIbsIoii, which posl- HfEift Hon ho held at the tlmo of hh rclmno f! early Inst month. Ho enjoyed hl fflt mission very much nnd roturred homo jP !n Rood health. I'Ji Mr. Southwlck talks rntrr'nlnlngly Ijjt of conditions In Knglnnd. The, people mH nro Just waking tip to the soilousne.su Mm' of the wnr. At first they treated It ' lightly, but the dropping of bombs ft from flying Zeppllns nnd tho return of fftJf' crippled Boldlern with Btnrlcs of Hindi JjiW romrndoH In beginning to mnko the WM, people feel whnt tho wnr renlly mem b a Hut oven yet, tho peoplo seem to linvr, In no fear of nny German InvnRlon, nr I ! they hnvo perfect confidence of their I il wnr ships nnd Tommy Atklnn to pro- i'jij tect their country from outside harm. IjJ Food prices are grndunlly climbing If.wi skyward, but tho peoplo thnmaolvw IBS' nnvo not suffered greatly In tho pnut S ' na thcro Bectns to be plenty of work I for everybody nnd nt good vvprph. The H fl women hnvo more work and nt bettor I wages than over before. Thoy, to a I K groat extent nro supplanting the mwi f 'Mi In dlfforent positions. All street ear 1 1 W jonductora nro now womon, nnd they ' W- nro inpldly filling tho clerk ihlps In '; ar tho ofllcc. They tnke ticket nt tho ," fl' gates In rnllwny stations, and nro Inrgoly employed In the many munition muni-tion factories throughout tho Kingdom. King-dom. Tho married women whoao husbands hus-bands are nt tho front get nn ollovv-nnce, ollovv-nnce, of 8 rhllllngs nnd 0 pence per weok from tho government nnd np additional 3 nnd 6 pence from the 7 nnd 0 nllowed their husbnndn. Ile-sldos Ile-sldos this their children nro nllowed eertnln sums, nil of which hrR n tendency ten-dency to fill tho public hoii'icH Willi women, thnt wcro formerly filled with tho men now nt tho front. Slnco tho recent air raids by the Oormans In vnrlous parts of England Liverpool has used no street lights at night, nnd the houses nro all ro-nulnvl ro-nulnvl to use drawn window blinds. Tho Zeppllns dropped bombs on munition muni-tion plants about 30 miles from l.lver-?. l.lver-?. Tho peoplo hnvo become very pat- $ rlotlc nnd probnbly 00 per cent of nil eligible, men, that Is thoso under the ngo of 40, hnvo enlisted or nttested for cnllstmont. Very few young men flj nro to be seen now-n-days In civilian 'mt clothes n they nro cither In trnlnlng 3 camps or nt tho front. All young un- tl mnrrled men hnvo boon drafted eom- 1 pulsory Into the, wnr. When a mnn jfl Is willing to go to tho wnr, ho goes Mil lo tho recruiting stntlon and attests 911 thnt his service nro rendy, nnd then J when his class Is called ho hi enroll- ,1ft ed In tho service. Ills class depends JJjl on nge, mnrrlngo nnd tho number de- mm- pendent on him. Thoso who hnvo at- XI tested nt tho recruiting ofllce mid are SJ ready to be railed on when neciod (Xa' nro given an Inslgnn or nrmlet which '' Is worn on tho coat sleovo, and the jM young ladles with their taunts make 1H life nilsernblo for tho man under 40 IB who docs not wear this Inslgnn. And IB there Is no cscnpo by leaving the H ' country for the, mnn who won't en- ML list, ns no ono can board a ship who jBjg has no passport. SB- There Is n system by which the offl- W elnls know where they enn put their MB- hand on every foreJgner nt any tlnm HM1 Ho must rcglstor with tho police upon EflT, entering a town, nnd must get n per- BMf mlt to leave, or suffer n heavy fine K In rnno of failure, Germans nro nil fr kept In detention camps and thn'r ft wives nro sent back to Germany. A ' 'ucccH.iful branch of the church In iMtblin was thus practically broken up becnuso most of the members were Germans. Amwlcniiu tiro generally sneered nt by tho populace, because of their f nihil o to get in the war on tho nldu of the. Allies. From about 350 Mormon Elders that were In Great Urltaln, when the nr commenced In July, 1911, tho number has dwindled to nbout 100, and will be minced still lower as It Is difficult diffi-cult to do work there under present conditions. Thcro nro only about 1ft ciders each In Scandlnavln, Sweden mid Holland and two In Switzerland. I'lesldent Iinllentyno and his clerk are tho only ones In tho Swlnu and German Ger-man Mission, and his clerk Is tho young man who wont from Utah ami wns drafted Into tho Gormnn service, because he hnd no evidence of Amerl-can Amerl-can citizenship. Ho went to tho front, lost ono leg, and Is now secretary of tho mission. All tho eJIglblo male saints In Great llrltlnn aro either In tho nimy nr hnvo nttested to go, when cnllcd upon. Fifteen of them hnvo been killed In battle tho post yenr. In coining out the ship on which ICIdor Southwlck sailed, came past the north end of Ireland, Instead of going the tiaunl course through the south end of the Irish channel. The ship sailed with dimmed llrhts and clofod port holes nt night, and lauded In St. Johns, Cnnnda, without anything eventful, except n novoro storm that accompanied them nearly all tho way which of Itself, mny hno been a good thing. |