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Show WHY IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS. Tim shrowd men nnd women of to-day, to-day, not only rend advertisements, but they study them. They havo como to wntch for them, nnd tho business - ....: mnu who realizes as much Is getting j their trado. Tho modern man nnd ?jfll woman have como to know that whon 'xR a business houso has anything special j to offer will appear in tho nowspnpor i and If no such otters meet their ' eyes when they open tho paper, they m very naturally aBSumo that their lll merchants hnvo nothing worth saying ! this week, or that week, or what ever ill week It may bo. Tho public tho world over la guided In Its purchases by 'f newspaper offerings. If tholr local rH paper does not bring thoso offerings ) M to them, they naturally look olso- where for them. u |