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Show FUNERAL SERVICES" FORHENRY DAVIS runcral sorvlces over tho remains of Henry T. Davis wero held In tho Third Ward meeting house Sunday at 2 o'clock p. in. Tho house wos crowded crowd-ed with friends nnd relatives. Wallop Henry Lewis presided. Tho speakers wero John E. Jones, Gcorgo Glover, President A. J. Evans, Thomas It. Jones, Jackson Wanlass, W. S. Kvons and Prof. Heal of Provo. A life sketch containing the Information given In our last Issue waB read. Mrs. George Price, John II. Dals and Miss Forn Gough sang solos. A. M. Fox gave the opening prayer and Elder Hodges tho benediction. Quito a number attended attend-ed from other places. |