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Show - Geuster’ $ Sale. TRUST,—To Take notice that per van ry ci. pia.th, ot te ssme piace, the y of the seonnd pert John H.. Rice and Anson 8, Potter, Nee pin place, the parties of the part taereby eoaveeee unto the said Hearv 1. Smith, as Trustee, as in said Deed of FOR ~ LIDDLE BROS, & CO., PATENT, ss said Deed of ‘Trost was made, among things, to secure themyerenes of a certain promissory note made by the party of the first part, payable to the partie of toe third part, tour months after date, with three per cent. interest per| a cad paid, which said note , Feeds as follow ‘oie-r. Reef, Utah, Pebrnary B, 1879. Foar months after aate |promise to pay to John = Rice and Anson 8. Potter, or order, fitteen @ollars, at silver eet, Utah, with ~ terest at the rate of three pér cent per mou ee paid value received. (Signed), John te To have and to hold all the.interest, homeatead, or other claim or demand, as weil in ped cae bad whith thé safd party of the first m had, or whichhe may at any time rehieensat sheret ‘have acquired of jn or to said property, or any part thereof, with the ap- | eet and improvezients thereunto beae to the party of the second part aa such withthe right of survivorship as maeand to his successors snd assigns upon the trust and confidence therein expressed, towit: Said trust shall be and continue a8 s.curity to the parties of the third part and their asBas for the repayment, in lawiu! money of the nited States, the moneys so expressed in said nanineey note and the interest thereon at three per cent. per month until paid, with all eosts which may secrue thereon, and under said Deed of Trust was, on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1879, recorded in the records of the oe o: the aie or Washen oats erritory of Utah, in Book “P” Deticcspave £2. Hie 575, 57 . si and 578. by the Recorder uf said co’ and whereas, by the aus of said Deed of ae) It was ulated, among other things, default shall be made in the payeas oe any of said sums of principal or inter- est when due in the mannér promissory note, or in the reimbursements of any sums therein provides, to be paid, or of any thereon, then the said psrty ot tha second part or the survivors of hin, his successor oF assigns, on neon 6 { the parties of the third part or thefr —— shall sell the above ch part thereof as a oe they> shail find it necessaryt iu order to accomplish the objects of chee trusts, inthe manner following, namely: + They shall first publish the gnch sale, with a description be wold at }rectal Et tar newspaper: published time.and place of | of the property to gage tare , in in the county of: Washington aforesaid, and may, from time to Constantly with the AND GIANT been daly recorded according to iaw,’ which — they deem to I, Henry H. Smith, the %, bioc eles teen, a8 laid out on the plat of the town of Silver Reef, being twenty-five feet in front and rear hundred and seen ire feet deep a agen a hereby give Of the Best day “in -fro at~ ’ bane the ~re aforer debtedness and ‘expenses incurredin connet- e ,etd one : sit pillars paid to Heory White as af thereon, piiNecs - aos saiddeed of treat. Thet thet * poe) Fin also. part tod two “buntied “toa pe etal) \? fees te ty-five Caer Heaviest South of Salt Lake City In all hues and at & FANCY LINEN & WOOLEN. OVERSHIRTS. We recommend cur large assortment of Mission Flannel n and IN ALL COLORS and AND Of And House, ul a0 Be az eo pk 1S DIRECT and well ae- ARTICLES, And full line of Miners’ Notions.~ ~ Shoes, -ROGERS & RICKARDS, Spencerz Jaques Carpenters, HARNESS Saddlery of all AND SADDLES —-AND— BUILDERS. Kinds. Tobaceos, Cigars and Pipes. pattern, ‘Iron and and Paper, by And everything ~ -~ Silver Reef. Cooking and Heating stoves, Fuse, MANUFACTURER appertaining to the same, as OF Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware. Parlor and Cooking Stoves, Delicate Tints J. J. HALPIN” Main street. —ALSO— Miners’ Tools, Etc. MADE Streets, IRON & STEEL. Steel, Powder Boyd REEF, UTAH. zsiaravware, HARDWARE CEILINGS and SILVER THE EEEDS Bein Sg Cooking Utensils, Eto., Ete, consulting” Pink a complete Corner of Main HUTCHISON, Litele POSTOFFICE. RECEIVED, ces, Gontenchibeie, MaGazinas, PxeRionicaLs, NEewsPaPrnrs, ’ Cxromos, all descriptions, CALIFORNIA & of Blue or Pink pa JUST CONTRACTORS GENUINE Oils, Wall HAVE BELOW FANCY QUALITIES. Lard, Coal and Lubricating Oils, &o. the sella chesper:| Le DEPOT, DOORS from Chicago, lected assortment of Undershirts Chikiren’s SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING to NEWS WE ‘THE HECHT BROS. & CO’S BOOTS For Mining, and Fancy Wear a specialty. Kept constantly on hand and made to order on short notice; and everything pertaining to a first-class line of Undertaker’s goods, injury this place StTaTIoNERy, CG Ladies’ ALSO Without FRESH BUITER & kGGS AT ALL TIMES, To which we beg to direct public attention, — pertaining to that line Pure White, or in of ROGERS & RICKARDS, all prices. Also a fine assortment of Shades, YOUR a Bit a Drink. Supply is Going Out of the Clothing Busin+as and is selling bis s.0Cck vrelow cost. FOUR | PAPER, HAVE at — GENERAL— WHITE A complete assortment of CAN LIQUORS in Town ae eee se other house. Borders and Decoraions rae parties of the ‘oressid to Henry sty even dollars, He stock Pictures and Picture Frames, p and 18% and which be had FAMILY GROCERIES. Mirrors. YY" re. CIGARS. Also a good Putty and Glass dischargo due on said note July 3, 1879, sapestan bundred and gH e dollars the expenses incu NOt ore this aale to satisfy an That there ie ‘ also fifty Lheréin and IN SOUTHERN UTAH. Windows and And everything Borde _ HAVANA Doors, Sash and Blinds, tion with said trust and this sale, to the high. for lawful money of the asians tcscin- AO SUEY h en i yas dollars pe t three pee cent per wopehrt POWDER Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, Of every size and Wall Paper FOR HATS publi« hurs uly atalank. oan of that pone in the town of Silver Hoof, hin ton county, aforesaid, I, Henry H. Smi oresaid, as such a will in obedience to enid deed of trust and at the request of the parties of the third yo sell the above described utoperty or so much thereof as may be necessary fy.all of the eforeenid's in0. that at aa) by AGENTS POWDER Of every description. WALL of the law. JUST RECEIVED | GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, FURNITURE, be a Jien upon such prem- iw, therefore, party of the secorid part, default having been ee in the payment of said promissory note the accrued and accruing interest thereon oad the further sum of 0 undred and fifty dollars paid said Henry White as herein te fore Sete Seam he with interest thereon at and upon r cent. per nionth, at the request of pentihe upplieation of the parties of the requested to sell all.of the ead Bite ‘cad. intanest which the said party - Bevan first part had in and to that eaid lot nine as above described together with all the improvements and appurtenances thereon as described in said deed of trust, or which he had on ~— 8d--day of Februa ai may at ap L preya have acquir and to any of said descri hed proper Pony tomy | lot number nine, mine by virtue H. 8. LUBBOOK. Silver Reef, Merch 8, 1879. fo Main &t., Silver Reef, Utah. Paints, you, --AND THE,...00 Has the largest and best selected liue of goods South of Sait Lake city, consisting of Window from the various sums above set /o BEST P. HARRISON meaner purchase the interest of said henry become Hand. DU PONT’S BLASTING I direct this notice to be published in the . White in said lot number oe and the ret provements thereon, and received a good and _.._gufficient deed of conveyance for the same, jereby conveying and transterring his said ane tey interest in and to said lot number said improvements to said parties of the ‘thir d , Which the party of the third part row old for the use of said party of the .» first part, subject nevertheless to an equitable + Tien thereon for the said two oundred and » fifty mp ele the purchase money paid therefor by = merce of the third part with three per oe interest thereon per month from the Fao se February, 1873, which now amounts to the sum of two hundred and sixty-seven dollars, which deed 7 conveyance has me ~«.4 FINE LOT OF. cee SOLE Silver Reef Miner, a newspaper published at Silver Reef. Washington counts, Utah } Yerritory; that being the newspaper published nearest the said Sayage 'mining,claim. for a full period of sixty days and any and all persons claiming adversely | the mining a claim, lode, vein or premis¢s or any pore n thereof as aforesaid de- | | scribed, are cs notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as according to , law within sixty days from the date of the| first publication hereof, they wee oe partys by yirtue of the provisions % thesi JNU. B.N ELL. ‘Register. otect the title of the party of the first part rein in order to secure the said t and re aretes them from loss, it became: an r such purpose the said parties oa off the third art under the terms and conditions of said deed of trust did, on or aoe the: 24th day of April, 1879, for the sum two hundred and fifty dollars in lawful paid to GREENBAUM The nearest known. lecations are the Buckeye Lead, Mystic Qalitornia, and MeNally mining claims. ‘the location of this mire is recorded in the recorder’s office ot “Harrisburg Mining District, in Washington county, Utah Territory, at Silver Reef, in said county and Territory, on page 172 ‘in book: B of said records. eonveyance, and that it became necessary to on 4 No. 17, aforesxid together all fe etian ae thereon, and held same by a deed. of transfer and $ of aig a Bt the are within ninety days from the date herent, the entire interest ef each and_all of you will FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, deg east 74 feet distant. Ht vn. we undivided one-half of said lot, No. for assesa-"~ . Lemmon, the sum of $6:67.. Now, there- — ealens yon shall pay - me or cause tole r i te 3 time, eee sale by publication, and en the day of sale 20 advertised, or to which such may be postpened, they may se'l the propso advertised, or ay oe thereof, at auction, in: ere said propsituated, to the highest cae bidder, and er or holders of said promissory note, end purcoase at su: more than four mon Whnpeed sino Uap ennking of etd nena, ply:the ame having become due and ere en sehen ind en and: ona > thereof ha’ lemanded since the. maturity thereo wueteok eenbaron lauit in the payment thereof having been made, ” And Westone. one Henry White claimed to , the following sumé ‘pees war for the year 1877: ‘From ‘you, F. Kessel, th= sum of $20; from you, Tao Wasley, the sum} of $19 04; fre m you, As J aster. ‘Washington county, Utah' Territory, and Solomon Breisacher, whose postoffice address is Pioche. Lincoln county, State of, Nevada, by Conrad Gibfried his duly authorized agent and- attorney in fact, whose. postoffice address is Silver. Keef, Washington county, Lerritory of Utah, have made application for a patent for fourteen hundred and seventy-iour (1,474) linear feet of the Savage mine or vein bearing silver ore together:with surface ground six hundred feet in width, situated in Harrisburg .Mining District, County ef Washington, Utah ‘erritory, and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this offieé as iotNo.59 inf township No.-41 south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base and meridian, and in the north-east and nerth-west quarters of section 12 and in the south-east quarter of section l of_ said township. The said lot No. 59 being described as follows;-to-wit: Beginning atthe north-east corner of said Savage mining claim at a pine post 4inches square and WA feet long, marked “No 1, U.S. 09," which is post No. l of said ‘mining claim, thence running so th 31 de a min west 1,474 feet to pine pe st. 4 inc square and 4 feet long, marked 0. 2, 8. 59,”? which is post No. 2 of ead mining | elaim; thence north 57 deg west UU feet toa pine post, d inches siuary and 43: feet longs marked *‘No. - §. 59,” which is post 3 of said mining claim, thence north BL de 30 ‘min. east 1,474. feet to a pine post 4 inches square aes Avs pe lonz, marked “*No. 4, 8. 59," which is post No. 4 of said mining claim, thence south 57 deg wae 600 feet to post No. 1 of said miving claim, the place of beginning: Magnetic variation 15 deg 30 min east. Containing an area of 20 30-10 acres. From post No. 1 of said mining claim U.S§. mineral monument No. 1 bears south 81 deg east 1,275 feet distant, and the quarter saceian corner on the south line of section 1, township 41, south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base and meridian bears south 78 deg 45 min west distant 1,296 feet. From post No. 2of said mining claim a large granite boulder bears south 6 deg west #1 t8-100 feet distant. Krom post No. 3 of said mining claim a large sandes boulder bears north 65 deg west 43 56-100 feet distant. From post No. 4 of said mining claim a large granite boulder bears south 68 stipuiated in said RETAIL Grocers & Dry Goods Merchants United ttates Larp Orricr, \ Salt Lake City, Uteh Ter., June 3d, 1679. and t. and apyarensncys thereon or thereunto belong- AND S WHOLESALE 5 ¢ No. 498. 57s Norrcs lot number nine, in blocA number seventeen, pam in | Naa IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the texn of Silver. Reef, Washington cou Mathias Magney and Conrad Gibfried, Territory of U he survey and whose postoffice adiress is Silver Reef, $2,500. FASLEY and A. Lease te here fied that there is due me from aan 0 vnae work done upon the Great W estern an | Company Mining Claim, situated in pang ii Minine District, Washington county, — te x APPLICATION NOTICE. 0. F. KESSELL,THOMAS ® 8 B Or ’ INDER. A ‘DEED Berchants . and interest thereon, and the sum of a, attorney and coun expended in pureuance with the -terms of said Deed of —— the costs ae or of this sale, to be asseased at and amount as sales of res] estate oy the ‘Sherif 3 on execution. jnliw3 HENRY H. SMITH, Trustee, First west st. pene IN ALL IT8 BRANCHES Done with Dispatch 9nd at Moderate Prices. CARPENTER- “TOOLS petites Oe a Descriptions: % BANKING BUSINESS. Furnishes on Ralt eico, nan ci Excha parte of oP ie Behe . ann Barren. js Jorin HW RICE: Cashier. Same mm NE NR aS |