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Show “SATURDAY.....---....-- ; ~ BUILDING, UNE t; 1879 The undersigned ‘begs leave to announce to |, the public of; Silver. Reef thathe has opened between the Postoffice auith the Nows Done 8a Matt Coschina is abont to rebuild. se { which is 25x45 feet. Bred. Day has departed for Salt"Lake. Peter Harrison has a excavating and leveling his new hotel. will be back next Saturday. Mr. Frank Loughery is again a candidate for the office of Mining Recorder.: Clancy is flooring and The grasshoppers in Iron and Beaver coun- stone building to Siegel & Marks. ties are reported to be doing but little damage to growing crops. Church at 10:30 a, m. .The are respectfully invited to attend. We public ~ Mrs are please to note that Messrs. Siegel & Marks and I. Schwartz have had thelr ance satisfactorily adjusted. The shipment of bullion from Silver Reef through Wells, Fargo & Co: for the week ending June 2ist aggregates $24,604.36. The Engineering and Mining Journal Horn Silver stocks are selling lively in York at $18. Grambs says New has completed her new res- It brings at the mills $30 a ton. We are informed that a school will be start- OP Silver Reefers going north Mike Monahan, at Beaver, for want in the way of liquors and has a cosy place and keeps the goods in his line, _ y The Beaver Chronicle, shonld call on whatever they cigars. Mike best brands of the: organ of “Church of Jusus Christ of Latter-day The. the for Southern Wa) h, says, ‘Let us have a horse race on the Four mly.”’ Capital idea! We leave it ota: ie ahan to see that Dan merry dancers that will assemble there on that occasion. The music will be first-class, the supper rechercha, and the votaries of Terpsichore will be sure to be out-in-force to attdnd the Masonic ball. Tickets can be had at all the stores. when there is no “cess. At a meeting of the Silver Reef Masonic Association, held on the lithinst., the following officers were elected,*to serve for one year: J. B. Van Hagen, President; H. 8. Lubbock, Vice-President; Gibson Clark, See-retary; W. T. Barbee, Treasurer ; N. E. Rice, Tyler. SBR Closing Out. Having still left a quantity of goods saved from the fire, I offer the same at cost, tn order ;, ° to make way for a new stock. I shall very soon have my business rnnning as formerly atthe old Pioneer stand, where I shall be glad to meet my friends and the public generally., 1, SCHWARTZ. oo re _ ZBPHIRS and cardvoards found at FRIEDMAN'S. —_—— —__—__ —~> <> + ‘oa aa The énly full and complete Dry Goods and Fancy Goods at Jordan’s. stock Woolf of & Boarding. + Ke, ¥y SR at ao Ladies, a limited number my ea of The reason that Friedman’s Dry Goods business has improved so rapidly of late is that when anything new in his line appears on the market he at once orders it by express, and can therefore supply his customers with articles which they can purchase nowhere ——————glse,- Its threugh-the-completeness-of his stock as well as its excellence that he is enabled to guarantee satisfaction to all who may honor him with their esteemed patronage, and itis on account of his extensive as- sortment that he relies for public support, for when a store contains everything to be found in the leading establishments of Salt Lake, thero.is- no occasion why the -ladios should not make suitable purchases. Fried- man’s is therefore the place to buy*goods, where the ladies are waited upon by the prepossessing proprietor or his Chesterfieldian assistant, whose greatest pleasure is to give satisfaction to all. Call on Friedman. Gents; Shoes BLACKSMITHING, a very handsome AND Wagon GOODS best of—— Ever displayed —— SUMMER MILK PUNCH All Claret Punch, Kinds of Fancy of phraseology, Day Horse-Shoeing Ete. Drinks. a each Se sme in the Reef. Tn soliciting your patronage anew, we assure you that one trial will convince our friends that Wwe meau Ww at we say, and are satisfied that we are able to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than can be found anywhere, without exception, Main K JACOBS & SULTAN. - leyaomensg Main St,, Silver Keef, ‘Jaa WAATIS o if > J. H. CASSIDY. SNOW SNOW \gnow SNOW ; and Mutton Always on Hand. pue asig ‘osnoq Jas, CRONAN, ~ — ASSAY UNITED STATES. X FLAKE X FLAKE X FLAKE HH, Caanvree OFFICE CHANDLER and CRONAN. Main Street, opposite Harrison House, ORES X FLAKE and BULLION ASSAYED. SILVER REEF Assay PIONEER ~~ Election. Office, L.A. BULL, Assayer. The election of District Recorder will be holden at ‘George Miller’s saloon on Monday, June 23d. Any other business that. may be necessary Will also be transacted at the same ~~ MAIN STREET, Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co’s, F. 3. Loveuery, Recorder. Ti Notice Market, All orders carefully filled ava promptly delived free of charge, in reethge eef, darrisburg, and on the R: re ee Wines, Liquors &. CIGARS, : The Choicest Cutsof Beef, Pork ‘1SINOWOT9 “W a THE BEST. A SPEWALTY, C. WESTOVER,& CO:, Prop’s. “U¥SiNivd CAPITOL. | Billiard One of the finest. Hall Billiard ~ A Tables im the Territcry, First Class Liquors and Always ee Fine Shoes! Cjub Cigars: on hand, Room in the |. <r FULL LINE OF HICKOX. & CO. melted on =e and at reasonable rates MER CHAIDINE, Spencerz Jaques HEITZELMAN & POUTADE, Friedman’s alitrace of the fire. CABINET SALOON, Emporium. Dry Goods Emporium repainted, thus completely rea: oving Opposite Harrison House, from Sait Lake and San Francisco invoices of novelties in his line. ‘The ladies of Silver Reef| who have heretofore so liberally patronized Mr. Friedman, will now find him better prepared than AYER PENG Ty enue and the best WINES, ever to supply their wants in articles of personal adornment. aw The Silver Carpenters. CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. Reef, He is constantly receiving largest assortment AND WM. RAFFERTY. ELK-HORN SALOON. Fancy Groceries at lower prices than anywhore else.at , Woolf & Jordan's. Corner of Main and Boyd ‘CIGARS Only. passed over the Bar. of Family and One Hundred Dollars Reward! I will give $100 reward for the recovery of my = hfe and-chain and no questions I, FCRDONSKLI. © asked.; ° LIQUORS -CLASSSTYLE Main Street, SNOW X SNOW X FLAKE SNOW xX. FLAKE SNOW. X FLAKE Next door to the Drug Store, igure always, the best Wines, Liquors and GEORGE MILLER, FLAKE SILVER : “ies General OUGHT . EXPRESSLY FOR ‘THIS Market and Sold at the Very Lowest Prices. We have everything that the Market | requires and ali our goods are of the XXXX Brand the same as our Snowflake Flour. rear. Ore assayed and Bullion peas pe ae Friedman has had the front of his : Leeds. MAIN STREET, next Tuesday night, will be prepared by that unequalled cuisine artist, Mr. R. €. West. Everybody can be accommodated. WE respectfully uainGnace that our place of busiuess, until our store is compteted, will be at Rich's building, two doors east of Wagner's drug store, where we shall close out our stock of goods at very low prices. We also request those indebted to us to close their accounts before July 1st, as all accounts unsettled by that time will be given for collection. SIEGEL & MARKS. SHOEING Empire 209.138 IBA ETE PT —-——_——___—-o <> o Street, urg-619 ‘o} pepueye A[}da0Id siopso 1 y and Night. Obtainable in the 4 EEP constantly on-hand o ‘Tire Iron and Wagon ti : 8 nod supply a N, B.—All Goods purchased from us will be delivered proraptly, free tof charge, to all parts of this place and vicinity, “HVLA he contended “all the same." | RETALLICK, | McPHEE £00, FORDONSKI. Being unable ie | WAGON-SIIOP, - First Class Lunch Stand. BILLIARD TABLES. Private Club Rooms, Opn rk, WE have also received a new stock of MILL and MINING Ser ete and everything in the line of Hardwar ALSO a complete stack of CROCKERY and GLASAWAR DRINKS SHERRY COBBLER Egg Lemonade, = Wo Of all shapes done on short notice, —Also the largest stock of— FURNISHING GOODS, Gents, call and see Stephens. He has received the latest style of Sadmmer Shoes. olaememeprnee rena Attention ! opened DRESS N. BUBB, Reef} Blacksmith Shop, Silver And all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. Miasonic Bail Supper. The supper at.the Grand Ball to be given restaurant on Main J. Hipperp. eT also ee usiness on Main MaIN ‘STREET, SILVER’ REEF. and Ever seen in Utah. WE have stock of a <n s+ R. Rickagps. of First door South of Post-office. that our language is very imperfect, and that he had as much authority (referring to his priesthood) to coin words and make rules of grammar--as had-Noah.Webeter or. Lindley Murray. Among his peculiarities is a passion for high-sounding words and the vanity of being considered learned among the ignorant Mormons, with whom he passes as a sort of inspired Mogul. After all, we are sorry. to part with Dan. His pious anathemas, threats of lawsuits and egotistical references to self, afforded a spice which we much spine: time. Loox Our! For great bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clething, Etc. Our new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in the market. All goods brought direct from New York. Wootr & Jorvax. I will gecommodate Boots 0. Rogers, line MAIN STREET. tospellor punctuate correctly, this burden he threw..upon the compositor, a part of whose duty, Dan claimed, was to read proof. ors quiet boarders etroet) > NM es, Be The choicest lot of Ladies’ evening and dress gloves, also silk mits, at Friedman’s New Store. LSO, the most complete Ladies and Chiljdren’s Rickerds and all us at our p as Prices. ETC., ETC. ‘source of genuine amusement. > <> ----— A Cuolice ARTICLE of fresh butter for the retail trade for-sale by MoManus & REED. Cali.. on Sires “Wines, Liquors and Cigars. That anomaly in journalism, Dan Tyler, for reasons no doubt satisfactory to:himself, has, to the infinite delight of a log-suffering public, retired from ‘‘ our sanctum,”’’ leaving the ‘““typos,”’ ‘junior editor’* and “ general financial business -manager”™ in- charge of the Beaver Chronicle: Dan’s style of journalism, though not particularly brilliant, possessed a certain kind of originality, backed up by egotism and combativeness, which rendered it a In the matter the Oe ae Our long experience in the business warran us in guaranteeing satisfaction toot ana ats Orders promptly part of tue cane.filled. Mea tdZalivared to. to any — Clothing and Gents’ Or Mr. W. O.-Rogers, who has been in the news business in the Reef for the past eight months, left last Saturday morning for St. ~Panl, Minnesota, whither he goes to take a position on the Northern Pacific Railroad. His many friends wish him the best of suc- continue tse are offering at—: Reduced “EXCHANGE SALOON,» to accommodate\the throng of occa- we All debts due said 3— —tThe Unknown parties are in the habit of turning the Harrisburg water out of the flume, which they.are warned to stop. The water is not wasted by running in the flume, and at- Fresh Meat and Sausage. FAMILY —Which Saloons. Ball. large enough will Silver Reof, June 15th; ee Tyler’s mules are entered. disposed to be mean sion for it. Rickards business @t the sme place. City Garden, and We predict that the affair will be a big success.\.A glance at the names of the several committees which appear ‘in our columns to-day is all\the guarantée that the public will require. It is hardly too much to say that the spacions pavilion will not be Saints K. liabilities will be paidby h Next Tuesday night the Masons of,Silver Reef will give their lohg-promised ball at Welte’s tempts to shut it off show that some men are ay Masonic J. firm will becollected rae . Havprn. has received a large assortment of Panel Doors, Sash Doors and Windows of all sizes. edin the Reef about the first of September by our Catholic friends. The school trustees should render them all possible aid. er ae shove re market take this method Sing the public that vee on hand every dariaty of 2 oe ee county, Ut#h, is this day dissolved’ by mutual consent, J. H. Cassidy has re-constructed the stone front of his building on Main street in good -shape. Everything betokens that the Capitol will flourish ere long in elegant and commonetcae quarters. Par yalue of shares, $25. PEOPLE § MARKET GROCERIES NOTICE. NOtics IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore sane between W. O, Kogers and J. RK. Rickards, under the firm name. of Rogers & Rickards, doing business at Silver Keef, Washington Bull.is finishing a good and convenient business place on--Main-street, adjoining his assay office. The stone sidewalk in front is all the 8ame as New York City. During the past week the mills have’ been receiving rock salt shipped from Salina, Seveir, county. purchasing till they examine my goods. -—§. J. FRIEDMAN. taurant building on Centre street which is already occupied by that popular regtaurdted?, F. Hamernick. insur- E TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORM: |" | my businéss, the ladies will do well to defer Mrs. K. Hanrehan has carpenters at work on her new restaurant on Centre street,es west of the Harrison House. High Mass will be sung to-morrow at the ‘Important _ ANNOUNCEMENT! ing our patrons and the community at laige that we have entirely given up our or tention of retiring from, businessb 1ere, an eater facil Will guarantee that my prices will satisfy all. that we have started anew with force of men at work ities; and we dre now prepa to maintain for the foundation of. All are invited to call and examine goods and our reputation as the leading mercantile firm prices. ofthis place and by reason of our advantage_For several years past I bers been con- “ous Seana ee: in purehasiug our ea petlet We roofing his fire-proof .— al our-eom nected with- Messrs. Auerbach & Bro., Salt eanWeaud: withunderseH ve just received an immense ateck of occupied by Messrs. ; Lake, and having had a long experience in all kinds: of fresh Byrnes is putting the roofing on his new frame building, which is erected over a substantial stone basement. The adjusters have all taken their depar_ture, and the faces of our insured. merchants are wreathed with smiles. Catholic be Store. Shoes, all of the latest styles and best make and at prices beyond competition. Buying all goods for cash will sell for eash ‘only. I. Schwartz has let the contract for rebuilding his store,,which will be 25x45 feet. Capt. H.S. Lubbocks has gone to Pioche: ~~ RE pry. Gioeas: And will keep constantly on hand a full line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions and ‘fadies, Misses and Children’s J. E. Johnson has the walls of his store up which is now receiving the roof. ~ St. George has ripe peaches. , first-class Fortman is reofing his new framee bailing. INTELLIGENCE. ot |= Merchants, lewwe ttord, ieee Firm, New Coods The Burnt District Gradually Resuming its Old Appearance. ! ‘SILVER REEF MINER.| tr eets, REEF, UTAH. Kremlin Saloon. QUILLAN & MAHONY. |