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Show Salt Lake - JUNE 21, 1879 es : further ~ Nothing illintenattiin ies TR% WAR IN ? lion dollars worth of property stolen by John Taylor and three other leading criminals of the Mormon. Church, will render forever inthe memory and will prove 2344.89: : arrant knaves whom 4444 he : iniquity from which ail their cunning art will suffice to extricate ‘them, This legal angels of Brigham’s model family against half leading Church dignitaries proved: Hither that * John Taylor and the exeeutors have swindled the estate or else that Brigham é@led the Church; and Young whichever swin- side wins the suit the faet will be patent that the Latter-day Saints-have reposed faith in dishonest and corrupt damagogues who have uscd them as tools for self aggrandizement, and that the claims of these tyrannous priests to attri- putes of divinity have been rooted in a soil of “foul and blasphemous imposture.. The News, the Church organ, fgreseeing the fatal result of exposure in the characterizing toureite courts, weeps audibly, the legal proceeding as “lam- entable,’’ while the Herald, the Church bag- pipe, openly admits the iniquity of Brigham’s career by stating that the developments will be “disgradéeful” and much will be brought regrets that a suit which will “bring his name inio disrespect and put a stain upon his mem- ory” If Justice ever rules in ‘this land of from the him and his the fuJi in crime made to pay penalty of their rank yillainy. New and infamous . _ THE movemement PHILADELPHIA, June 19, The North American yesterday says: The Legislative Grant reception committee has come to grief.. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company are unablé t6°furnish free transportation to San Francisco on account of the war between the Pennsylvania Company and the Union Pacific. and the plans of the committee have therefore been changed. As now understood the committee will meet the exPresident on the borders of the State, halls of Congress and associates ; by the Catholic Irish in York to colonize their poor in the West, must be regarded as a humane policy, and as money is being used to help it along, the project bids fair to be successful. CJoskey and his Chureh great extent the Irish are in America, as the Curcaco, June 19. The Journal's Washington special says: The Record to-day does not contain the remarks of either Conkling or Lamar last night, but instead a n&ite says this part of the proceedings is withheld for revision. It is not improbable that mutual friends will bring about a reconciliation between the two Sena- toa responsible for the condition of latter look io them for counsel and advice, and it is pleas-| eI ing to note that the high Church dignitaries aR are sensible ‘of their duty. The Catholic last night bishops are men of extensive learning and in- | tors and that the remarks of both fluence and capable of giving their people will be suppressed from the Record. hints “and material-aid that-will-go-farto- wards bettering their condition.’ Bishop Ire- land in speaking on the colonization scheme a few days ago in New Irish are a-rural York, people stated that the and too much ad- Dispatches have been sent to all the absent Senators, urging, their immediate return. It is expected the request will be complied with, and that by to-morrow a quorum will be in the city. which will enable the Senate to proceed with business. London Dispstches. dicted to the use of stimulants, and the main object in view was to get them sithated where they be would feel more at home and re \moved from the temptation of drink. The worthy Bishop referred to the fact that there are many towns in the ting drinks are recommended West where intoxica- not sold his at all and earnestly people to seek homes in such localilies. Ser Governor reported FREMONT to have and Judge a “ bar] made by placing Arizona at the East. ig said to. haye. get his and to have fed poy whose the spoon himself spoon went current—anyhow. Silent of are money Tom Fitch into the mess like the left-handed into the pan Fitch have just bought himself against is’ reported to a fine honse on one of the most fashionable boulevards of New York. Judge Silent acts as if he was rich enough to tell the Department of Justice to pull down its vest. He has been absent from his ‘district without oo ; leave, and: two terms of Court have gone over, leaving men in jail and litigants without redress. Whether the result of all this business benefits Arizona or not, is yet to be seen, Our readers MrINER will perceive, to-day that the appears in new body are free to-admit; > ST ‘wwe fee] our oats. heoune: HOTEO'’p type, and we logy; that } It was the intention to en- Jarge the paper and begin the issue of a tri . weekly with the donning of the new typo- graphical wardrobe, but the occurrence of the late aNl ace ne ‘4 ani tu disastrous fire compels us to defer the execution of that purpose till the town is re“built. We take ihis opportunity to thank the public for the|patronage we have received and to state {hat while we continue to be snpported we shal) use our best energies to pubdish all the news and to give wide publicity to . the2 mineral resources of the camp. Ao Go ‘ 4 y a very young field and-was his man, but little-past his Lonpow, June 20. Reuter’s dispatch from Cape Town, dated 3d, via Madeira. to-day says: Prince Lows Napoleon. Prince. Imperial of France, accompanied by other, officers, left Col. Wood's camp to reconnoitre. The party dismounted in a field, when the enemy crept upon them and assegaied the Prince. killing him. His body was recovered. Thete were eighteen assegai stabs in his body when found, two of them piercing the body from the chest to the back, two in the side-and one destroying the right eye. A locket with hairand medal] was found around his neck. His face wore a placid expression, At 10\0’clock Weston had accomplished 385 miles, while Brown’s score stood at 360. The latest report says Brown is improving and hopes:to make up lost time by running. Sir John Astley paid Weston a visit in -his tent, last night... After chatting awhile Sir John said to Weston: ‘Well, you look in good fettle, Now, I'll tell you what I'll do, that this tournament shall be a memorable one. I'Jl wager five hundred pounds to your one hundred that you don’t cover 550 miles by Saturday night. Do you take it?’ Weston said, |’ “Certainly. Sir John. The five centuries will make a good lining to the }elt.” Lonpon, June, 20—10 p. m. . “The*vace. is almost won, Weston, barring some unlooked for accident, being the victor beyond a doubt. ° He is still in splendid condition, notwithstanding the great effort he has been making. The excitement here is in- south eee of UNDER i Reef AUSPICES OF Masonic THE from Sydney, Australia, says that arrangements have been completed for a sculling match between Trickett-and Laycock for {ie championship pine August oth, of permet: to aw take GRAIN. Sign ofthe Big Sash, | Sash Screen JOB and WORK Doors. Furniture Made -and. Doors. ‘Repaired. GENERALLY DONE TO ORDER. H: RICE, A. LEMMON, and CABINET MAKER. One door South of the Lafayette Silver house, Reef. TAILORING. MERCHANDISE: IN ALLITS BRANCHES. HE ATTENTION OF THE POBLIO I8 directed to our new and seiect assortment of Merchandise just received. — | Clothing, GROUT Day, “TUESDAY JUNE 24th, 1879, the best ! Forwarding BR. and choicest quality stantly on hand. Fine suite m to order. An assortment of Fine, Import, ed EXGLISH CLOTHS, aiwayson hand. 4a Shop, corner of Centre and First West Streets. ; E ~ A. WINQUIST, 022 . Tailor. Mlerchants. WABNOCE. R. WARNOCK & CO. Tobaccos, Liquors & Cigars Of COMMITTEE. OF ARRANGEMENTS: ae Clark Tsaac Marks ice. B: Quinn i C. H. Steele. kept con- Forwarding RECEPTION COMMITTEE: James A, Liddle Jnlins Jordan H. S. Lubbock ha Siegel E. A. Wall . Crane Johnson rhea e, FLOOR A. G. Bemis S. W. West FLOOR Tickety WE are offering for sale lamber sawed Albert Eustis G. D. Woodyard . Harrison. DIRECTOR—J, B. Van Hagen. can be sot eat ; at all the Stores, ner 1 op At Their Old DEALERS Stand. Jessup IN Lumber Commission Wa: FOR SHINGLES, Doors . Moiding, MERCHANTS. | * York SALE! SALE. OFFER MY BUILDING, Bua on Main Street and occupied by J. Hickox and the Miner office for sale. It »; suitable for a store, saloon or restaurant. For price and particulars apply to vAgN Terminus Utah sy J . M. LYNCH ace KINDS OF— DONE Work AND SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. E HAVE PURCHASED_ MR. JESsup’s interest in the’ Peter’s Leap sawmill and are prepared to offer better inducements_ to parties wanting. Jumber. than any other firm in the Reef, and can deliver special ordets much sooner than mill company, any other )| | --Utah Southern Railroad. V E ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that point, and are the only Company that can furnish teamsters” back loading, which secures to us the best outfits cn the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all classes of import rations on the shortest possible time. Our increase of business enables us to forward goods at one-balf our f rmer rates. Handling, Sampling, _and Carpenter sBy Principal place of business, Pitas, ' Valuable Property. FOR Sash, and ‘ Sixty acres of land with water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the balance suitable for gardening. Also one stone building at Leeds, suitable fora store, and eight building lots apposite it; and a good lumber. building, 24x24, in a desirable art of Silver Reef, .with good water at the oor. For further rarities call on B. C. BOREN, Silver Reef. AND Double Sash Company, Whose _mill is situated within 14 miler of Silver Reef. We are therefore able: to give \be:ter inducements than any other Company } SAB possibly afford, and solicit tue inspection d taade of miningand mili men.” Lumber of ay description and of the beat quallty furnished on short notice and lowest terms. A T.umber Doors, by the COMMITTEE: a ‘the men are contending is filled with an en- Brown, 414. A dispatch and free of charge to every past CARPENTERS. McManus Read LUMBER! Salt 0 — ed most lustily. Brown shows traces of guffering, and-his ewollen leg appears—to-bother him greatly....At this hour the vast hall where body, save Brown and those who have been betting on him, appears in the best humor. At 10 o'¢lotk the score stood: Weston,..460; delivered Utab, a Ceneral JOHN IN Carpenter, Bujlger Association, John’s LUMBER Goods Cashier, tense, and’*both Weston and Brown are che¢er- thusiastic concourse, who shout and cheer and scream, almost wild with excitement. The band plays the liveliest kinds of airs fy the men trudge around the track, and every - BANKING BUSINESS. Welte's Garden, Saint DEALER —-JoOB— Furnishes Exchange on falt Lake, San Francisco, and ail parts of the astern States and Enrope. , AE oa —ON Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, East of Jacobs & Sul'an. = - i or “HARROUN & COMPANY: Banlong Company, Transacts REEF ALE-—-KINDS Groceries, Provisions; OF _ THE LEEDS Silver Reef, SILVER J. B, STEPHENS. ~ Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper has w0- ay. THE :- GENERAL GRAND ) BALL! — - ORDER ‘J. A. TURRILL, MANUFACTURER PADS Mew STREET TO Cooking and Heating Stoves. Prince z best and’ Shoes from the WEEP Soc French Material. Being practical in the business, { can make whatever style of boot or shoe is desired. Give me a call. Go¢ Fit guaranteed. Dress Boots and Shoes a Speialty. rea REPAIKING NEATLY DONE. —aLso— placed by staff. be bought anywhere Lake. Silver Chicago Dispatches, Cardinal Mc- associates on majority, ; and believed himself a child of des- Won't G2 to Meet Grant. "usual anarchy we hope to-see George Q. Cannon expelled the tiny, born to occupy the throne of France. and say that Gen. Howard and Gov. Terry at ‘Spokane Falls with perpetuate the Napoleonic. dynasty. SomeMoses, Spokane Geary and Smokhalla. The thing else, however, besides faith is necessary alter.renounces his dreamer theories, and to perpetuate dynasties. will go with Moses on a reservation. Ev erything in the northern gmat! is now satis|... Buy your Canned Goods, Butter and Fggs of fattorily arranyed McManus & ReaD. The Examiner this evening says that a compromise has been effected between the Coleman heirs and Patrick O’Brien, brother ea- The latest styles of Clothing, Hats and of Wm. 8..O’Brien, the millionaire... The gina Furnishing Goods to be found at sum paid O'Brien $€00.000, for which he reWoolf & Jordan’s. nounces all claims to the estate. -_o.———__—_____— SAN FRANCISCO. Jone 20. Just Received. Judging by the expressions of leading jenr- or -hals of Republican and independent prociviA shipment of the celebrated Budweiser Beer ties, the ticket. nominated by the Republicag : Best in the market. McManus & Rrap, a ig Siate Convention will receive hearty support. The Convention, considered as a whole, was Corner Lot for Sale, a theroughly representative body, and with perhaps two or three exceptions the candiFifty-three feet front on Main Street and 25 feet-on Eoyd street. Enquire of 2 dates aré men who will command unqualifie®™ Srexcer & JaQuES. respect and confidence. Perkins’ connection | with the transportation business will be used as a lever against him; but it was significant that the delegations from those counties of J.J. Halpin, purchasing all his the State brought into immediate contact Stoves, Hardware, &c, in the East with the company he represents voted for ern Market, has facilities for selling him almost solidly. Pepublicans generally scém satisfied with the ticket. and express all goods in his line cheaper than can. the utmost confidence of carrying the State. When the case comes to trial one two_things - will_be was forces to Chelmsford held a final council ability prove a death biéw to the great Latterof Lord MAIN F 18th, whose —jpractices are equally unchaste, will in all probday fraud, British Reef. m™ IRON & STEEL. est of monarchy, “At the commencement of the Znlu war the Prince accompanied the STEPHENS, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, waraware, of a strong party well organized in the inter- SAN FRANCISCO, June19. ~ Republic an State Convention lasts even- Silyer - 6. —PpRACTICAL—. i. end relieves- republican France-of tHe menace ing nominated George C. Perkins; of San Franci sco for Governor: Dispatches from Lewiston, Idaho, June action, which is brought by one of the fallen a dozen Tue death of Prince Louis Napoleon, which is announced in our dispatches, terminates, San Franc'sco Dispatches. ‘ The eet IMPORTER AXD Dees <-> —_ { be wallowing in a cesspool of deep and black never Most of the newspaper@ raof Paris| deplore | Main ™ the-tragic end of the Princa ‘Imperial. ° it'may be supposed, the Napoleonic dynasty, left to carry out the provisions of his will to 2: j i SHORT TELECRAMS. | 2s 242%. iMliscelancous. “J. J. HALPIN were paid he would abdicate. Sart Laks, June 2. ascertained relative to “ Governor Emery’s tandem team-trotted against2:50-time. fora bares of $250, First heat, 2:30%; second heat, 2:48X. of the deceased prophet those manded his abdication in favor of his son. The Khedive replied that when his creditors The race at Agricultural Park to-day between Billy Davis and Countryman were. attended by a large crowd of people. The race was a trotting race, three in five, for $1,000, z me was won by ‘Countryman, Time, a 43— impostor Brigham Young to recover one mil- famons is Merchants. des 7 2 Placa irgt yvonne ilceres Reynéids or what is to be done in his case. ISRAEL, ‘The action brought by the heirs of the late IP ae ae ey eere np esasecd A NEWS. RE E F M INER, | TELEG RAPHIC SATURDAY... ‘ = om F) ‘SILV ER ' * ae Selling Ores x lion a . Shipping and Bul- Specialty, Feed and Livery Stable, Lower Main St., Silver “LODGING. Reef, Utah. HOUSE. Will pay wagon and wabitOns all svods consigned to our ec Will give rates of freight Fn East and West. a pce totnceeces eewercd freight on all points, promptly. wean INE EURMISHED _ Gentlemen can pe ne by anbiying R, WARNOCK & co, WORK, Utah, 4 |