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Show Devoted to the Mining Ne. SILVER 70, = WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH, Utah. SATURDAY. JUNE SILVER MINER TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. REEF New York Dispatches. —FS8UED EVERY— Wednesday EW YORK, June 18. Lord Loftus, the new Governor-General. of .| New South Wales, leaves to-morrow for San Francisco, During an interview yesterday he said he particularly desired-te visit. Niagara Falls, Chicago, Salt Lake City and Yosemite. The brewers, saloon-keepers and liquor and Saturday. PIKE .& DUNHAM, PusLisHERS RATES Ch PORTIS cok Bix Months, , crete, UNE s «<< a Dates i _ AND PROPRIETORS. or ‘SUBSCRIPTION; os coos bavcescan cess ceweeassdsQ 00 00. ccvisecccsccccsccccccesess & 80 sivecdcucqceeeccecescussecs See 5 on enccaiens +4 > diver eat aadim ** “s vicin- ty at 25'cts per week _ AGENTS. 0. W $28 Montgomer, dealers of Iowa will hojd a State convention ‘at Des Moines on the 30th of July, to counteract what they call the constant aggressiveness of temperance fanatics upon their busifiess. The Governor of Minnesota was summoned at midnight last night te Tracy, Minnesota, to take steps to suppress a riot. Tracy is the eter 9 a.m to? $0 p.m. and from 8:30to7 p.m Bandeys, from lto 3 p- m, The Mail arrives trc from St George daily at 12 m. and departs at 2:39 p. m. The mail arrivee from Salt Lake and Picche at 6 p. mm, and depaxtg for the same places at ? a.m. ere a peeve :30 a. m, Heaman Kraven. Eostmaster. eae DD. P WHEDON, SILVER REEF, UTAH, Will attend to any legal business entrusted to bls care. A.J Moorg, O. E. Pine Francisco.) .and & Co., Mechanical Engineers, 1 ESTIMATES AND SPECEFICations mde in all branches of mechanical engineering and especially in the construction of steam enwines for hoisting, pumping ad mill works, The appiication of compressed air “im pumping our specialty. Deposition 8 of the ee cf material in structures © lton nd Contracto re for the ertee*" of quarts ce mee engines tested by Indicator afi Feports ot their partinione. and adjusted res Agents for boiler and pipe ' Address scotioniic cx yand general Vaives and valve motions set to give their highest attainable H. W John's Asbestos coverings. P. 0. Boz 19, Silver Reef. steam J, BIRCH & CO, Leeds MOUNT TRUMBULL LUMBER! Fest AND CLEAREST IN UTAH. We are prepared to fill any bili of apy size on short notice and as cheap as any eommon lumber from other yards. tr biter WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us a visit. We sell cheap 10 Families and Dealers. Wekeep constantly oa hand a supply of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Biour * Which will and Grain, be delivered: to any ucts of Silver Reef. Leeds or the camp: BIRCH “SAM & CO. WING First Wash-House, Bonanza, (LOWER MAIN STREZT.)’ WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING, Work doue promptly and in best of style. Fairplay (Col:) Flume: though +Murphy“has induced 5,500 persons ‘to sign the pledge in San three weeks. Francisco during the past __A very rich body of ore has been struck in the Big Prize mine~in “Paradise Valley...A piece of the ore as large asa more than half silver. hen’s egg was their value in print, and guilty of uttering a falsehood. This drew out a stinging retort from Conkling, who was again replied to by Lamar, the listeners during the controversy giving cheers or hisses. The excitement caused by the extraordinary and wholly unequaled interchange of denunclatory and degrading epithets between Lamar end Conkling was intense. Lamar’s last uttérances quivered with anger, and. were accompanied by a disdainful gesture which suggested the throwing down of a gage of mortal combat. Southern Senators, in conversation since the occurrence, universally commend Laimar’s action as) justifiable, and even demanded, by Conkling’s imputation of bad faith on his part, and assert that there can be no question of his entire readiness to maintain his words with his life, if necessary. Senator Conkling informs his friends that he does not intend to send Lamar a challenge, or in any way to be drawn into a duel, for neith- er he nor-his-constituenta believe in duelling. He also says that Lamar’s attack upon him was unprovoked, and unexplainable upon any personal grounds, his (Conkiing’s) charge of bad faith having been made against the whole Democratic sidé of the chamber, and not especially applicable to Lamar, whom in fact he did not have in his mind at all. San Francisco Dispatches. Lonvow, June 18. A violent earthquake near Air, Cicily, yesterday, almost wholly destroyed five villages. Ten persons were killed and several injured. The inhabitants of the district are fleeing en masse. Lonpon, June 19. Ennis finally retired at 3 o’clock last evening, seeing he had no chance of making 450 miles, which was necessary to entitle him to a share of the gate money. Brown and Weston have both, beaten all previous records, Salt Lake Dispatches, Sait Lakk, June 19. W. 8S. McCornick yesterday filed his bond of $100,000 on the receivership of the Young estate, and made a formal demand for pos session of all the personal effects of the este, but as none of those interested were in the President’s office at the time, the transfer was not made. The special base-ball game between the ‘Deserets and a picked nine, which wads to have taken place on Saturday next, has been indefinitely postponed. It is expected the coming games between the Deserets and San Francisco Athletics, commencing on the 28th inst., will exceed in point of interest and fine playing anything in the base-ball line ever seem in the Territory. A new mining company has been organized in this city for the purpose of working some new mining property in Parley’s Park. The company include#a number of well known atid reliable capitaliste, and Will be known as the Free Silyer Mining Company of Utah, makes itself having thns secures the confidence of the public, they flood the market with stock to an amount which is several times the valne of the mines, and numberless capitalists are bit before the awakening comes. Every candid man, no matler how-limited_his. knowledge of mining may be, will acknowledge thdt there is small probability of any mine in Colorado ever justifying —The Maricopa Expositor-says Tom Fitch has sent orders to have his house sold and that he will not return to Arizona. The Silver-tongued is at present sojourning in Salt Lake. any such capital as that of the Little Pittsburg: Consolidated. Other mines in the vicinity, some of them very nearly its equal, are selling at from $100,000 to $490,000, and yet a value of twenty millions is claimed: for the former, —The Yellowstone valley is one of the most fertile tracts on the continent, and since the extension of the Northern Pacific Railroad accross the Missonri, is rapidly filling up with settlers. —A contract is about to be let for furnishing 400,000 railroad ties for the use of the Northern Pacific Company, to be used in the construction of the road east from the Columbia river. naked It would appear as first they employ leading journals to overestimate —Charles Otterson, who twenty years ago held the position of managing editor, of the New York Tribune, is living in destitute circumstances in a seven by nine sais at Leadville. —Three hundred avaricionsness known in some men’s natures when they have secured a nice fortune. They buy up experts to make reports on mining. property which are base and untrue in every particular, —The Mormons in Arizona are expecting to Brown,'318; Weston, 318 miles. Two to one on Brown are still forthcoming. The score at 4 p. m. stood: Weston, 361; Brown, 356%. Liquors! VOLUME Piutes offer to turn out on the Fourth at Virginia City, and the Chronicle is confident that all the female sex on the Comsteek would turn out to witness the procession. —A local weather prophet predicts, says the Evirka Leader, that it will be so warm this summer that all Eurekans will have to adopt the costume of a Zulu warrior eerie -leaf hat and a gold ring. —QOn these pillows hev» rested 1,000 leprous Chinese heads, 500 gamblers, 300 ‘prostitutes, 200 people of divers callings, 100. boys, and one young girl (aged 11 years). This is the history of one opium den in Bodie, says the Standard. 1, al expense, as it’s Kot mich cooler here than it is at home.’ “Think TH stay at home my: self next Summer,” returned Sacramento,” “it’s hardly worth while coming 80 far for just a few degrees cooler weather. Let's go and get a brimstone julep.”’ have a Vice-presiflent appointed. “The score at 3 o'clock this morning stood: First-Class is post- —The Vulturé mine, near Pheenix, Arizona, is to-have a new 40-stamp mill. London Dispatches, —AGENTS FOR— drawing by daylight robberies. San Francisco, June 18. The Workingmen's Municipal Convention to-day nominated Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch, pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, for Mayor. - - Utah. Arizona Lottery —Sundays in Leadville are now enlivened Lamar of Mississippi, who said Conkling was Attorney-at-Law Jos..8. Shubra —The WasHINeTon, June 18. The Democratic cajicus held yesterday to take action upon the proposed resignation of Senator Bayard as Chairman of the Finance Committee passed the subject over without action. The indications are very strong that the caucus will to-morrow decline to accept Bayard's resignation, and that it will also then decide that the Warner silver bill go over till next session. The trial of Indian Commissioner Hoyt and other Directors of the International Trust Company, in Jersey City, has resulted in acquittal. WASHINGTON, June 19. The Senate remained in session all last night, being engaged upon thearmy.appropriation bill. The time was consumed in endeavoring to get a quorum, the Republicans refusing to vote. Conkling of New York made a speech, in which he cliarged the Democrats with bad faith toward the government. The imputation was immediately resented by (Late assistant U.S. Att’y for Utah.) Mining —The Carson mint is overrun with mice. Congressional. POST OFFICE: CLIPPINGS. poned till August 4th. road, where work is going on upon the extension. W.B. Our agente ‘axe. are authorized to collect moneys due this office, take orders for advertising and attend to all other business devolving upon them asa the representatives of the publishers. a J. 8. Suvsra, M. E. (Late of Virginia City.) COAST ” _Weasles at Kiko. —A photographer is wanted at Elko. om “| terminus of the Hastings and~Dakota- Rail — 10 Bafe See Building, San Franc.Rooenrs& Rroxarps, Silver beef, Utah. Mars. £. 0. Crovucn, Beaver, Utah. 3. BR. Linpaay, TPE Utah, 21, 1879. + i ? . REEF, Interestd of Southern —D. G. Croly, the mining correspondent of the New York Graphic, recently wrote as follows to that paper: Your correspondent tried io get Mackay to define his position on the labor, but he replied with great reserve. \He said that he had been a miner himself, and believed in a fair day's wages for a fair day’s work in his own case. He was quite.willing to accord to others what he had always demanded for himself, yet when pressed for. an answer, Mr. Mackay was forced to admit that the $4a day paid to the miners confined the extraction of bullion to high-grade ores. Were wages reduced to $2 per day he could at once put 10,000 additional men at work upon the Comstock lode. There were literally hundreds of thousands of tons of medium and low grade ores which could be immediately utilized for the markets of the world if the price of labor were reduced one-half; but’the mine owners were handicapped by heavy taxes and high-priced labor, as well as costly machinery and expensive wood and water. But Mr. Mackay wishes it understood that he would do nothing to force down the price of labor among the miners. Apotheraries. fs. WAGNERS Drugeist ~AND— APUTHECARY, Corner Main and Centre Sts, SILVER REEF, UTAH, KEEPS constantly on hand a well-assorted DBUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., Physiclans’ Carefully \ ETC. Prescriptions compounded day or night, - at all hours ae of the 022 Restaurants. SILVER REEF Restaurant, —This is the way the Los Angeles Herald MAIN STREET, talks of the Arizona flooding scheme: The Governor has been, during his checkered life, Opposite Weils, Fargo & Co's Express OMe. gaged in ‘some grand and conspicuous pe Silver Reef is most conveniently Jo¢nterprises, but in this case he has evidently cated for the laborer, business man and laid his plans before he consulted his figures. traveliug public, and is conducted. on strictly —The Tombstone Company's Mill is now in Let us make the calculation for him: To fill first-class principles. At tts well-supplied tables full.operation, and the quantity of ore is said can always be found the best a the market such a pond in one year, supposing the botaffords, prepared by the best of 8. to be beyond estimation. The mill has ten {om to be water-tight and evaporation entirely M,. “DONCVAN. stamps and is a perfect success. The Arizona checked, would require a small stream twenty es: Citizen says the managers are honest and inmiles wide, twenty feet deep, with a current dustrious men. of three.miles an hour. After this lake was —The Bodie mines are again favorites in the filled it would require a river two hundred market. Experts recently returned from that and fifty feet. wide, ten feet deep, and running district.are. of the opinion that the mines of at the’rate of five miles an hour, to compenthat camp will presently run to silver as did sate for evaporation at the rate of eighteen ee those of Gold Hill in the early days. As there inches per year. Archimedes, you know, said is more gold in the Bodie than there was in that he could move the world, only give him ‘HE. LAFAYETTF RESTAURANT HAS the Gold Hill mines, so it is thought the afulcrum. Fremont says he can make sea, again changed ‘hands and the new pro- . amount of silver will be greater. only give him plenty of greenbacks. When prietor takes this method of informin ber numeérous friends and the public that he makes his estimates heéwill come to the ~—-Reno is fast recovering from her late capeers to accommodate them with the an sensible conclusion that lomg ere he can est that the country affords, prepared a lamity. The work of restoration is still going fill his basin with water the great. Engineer of cook that acknowledges no superior in is on rapidly and in six months Reno will be a profession. the Universe will have filled it With the sands better-looking town than ever. To use a forNo pains will be spared to please customers: of the desert, driven down by the everprevailPatrons can order whatever they please out eign idiom, there is a reason for Reno. A ing winds of the North. In the meantime it of the ordinary line. town is needed there; a source of supply for N. JOHNSON. will probably be used for the purposes\inthe surrounding country, a shipping point for tended by the Almighty—the occupation by its products. And Reno is growing, and will the horned toad, rattlesnake and Southern continue to grow with the development of the Pacific Railroad. great natural resources of Nevada. —New Mexico is fast acquiring a world—A recent visitor to the mines on Treasure wide reputation. This, combined with the Hill, White Pine, says that the tunnel being rapid building of railroads into and through run into the hill to open and develop the her domains is fast placing that Territory in famous Eberhardt and Aurora mines at a the front rank. Nothing is left undone in great depth has passed through the limestone order that the exact resources of the Territory formation into shale. The Superintendent may be known. Truthfully speaking, there is reported te be very much discouraged at the is not an older yet newer country between the outlook, which is anything but flattering for two oceans. esas Ceca er eee aarp aera aeaetnaesee The average schoolboy yet dethe prospects of the Company or for the minlights to read in his school history-the acing hopes of the district. counts of Cortez, the Montezumas’ hall burnished with gold, and thinks of them as be—Silver Cliff, not to be behind Leadville, Later he reads of war, has organized another gigantic scheme calcu- longing to a past age. lated to assist in ruining the confidence of Generals Taylor and Scott loom up as heroes, mining speculators and deal destruction to andas.the battles of Buena Vista, Chutubusco, future mining transactions of a legitimate Monterey and Cerro Gordo reach his vision of nature. The Racine Boy mine at that place understanding, he realizes that vast possessions have been wrenched from Santa Ana, has been stocked for $10,000,000. The Racine THANK THF PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS Boy is a good mine and if stocked at a reason- and that the United States has become more and solicit a continuance of thé same, as I able figure would no doubt become a favorite powerful and strong. The mines and agriculam now prepared to sell the cheapest and the tural resources of this vast acquisition are best quality of bread inthe Reef. Remember on the New York Stock Board. our bread is not adulterated and we are selling now attracting universal,attention. The over16% lbs for one dollar. Be sure when you buy Mesilla Independent: Three teams bound burdened population of the East, that have a loaf that it weighs a pound and a half, for Arizona passed west Thursday. Their ob- so long been, migrating westward, forming jective point is the Gila, and their intention and otherwise building up large State comis to farm. They were dead bent on seeing monwealths, is now steadily heading for New Arizona—it seemed to be their Mecca, their Mexico. The influx of capital and a good citihope, We said to them,"it’s dry and hot in zenship incident to the building of tle railAll are invited to call at the Silver Reef Bakery to try our bread and we are sure you will Arizona, they laconically replied, “it’s hot roads, are fast revolutionizing the country and never buy anywhere else. most any place, now.” “Yes, but many aré ‘jnfising tie people with new customs, new % a returning:” “That's nothing; we'vé scen enérgy and, new desires to advancement and California, and are <bound to see Arizona. permanent prosperity. f N. CHRISTENSEN, Then it takes grit to win.’’ You bet, andif 5 it’s sand they want in their gizzard, Arizona’s Boot and sthoe the placé to get it. LAFAYETTE RESTAUR NT N, JOHNSON, Prop'r 8. C. PERRIN, Stormont Boarding House. ‘Patronage Generally Solicited. All My Old Friends from Bingham Invited to Call. vlver Rest Bakery J. HIBBERD, Prop’r.. Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Reef. —San Francisco Stock Report: ELK-HORN SALOON. It is said that a Sacramento man once met a Marysville man in hell. ‘What areyou doing here?” said Marysville. “I came down here to spend the Summer,”’ replied Sacramento. ‘That's what I-m here for myself,” replied Marys-, ville, “bat I don’t think the trip is worth the’ _ Main ya Keeps Cigars Street, Maker. Main Street, Two doors below Postoffice, ‘woxt door to the Drug Store. siways, the best Wines, Liquors and GEORGE MILLER, Elegance, Durability and « Comfort Guaranteed. | |