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Show “2X certain New York physician is ‘worth | =— gtiow _ He hb stern thie aei :: 3 ps : A “Hardly Beer” “‘Gemipardes ‘eselety bas kick formed down East. When one of the | © members‘ is*'asked if he drinks he Sayer aul exer, but if Ido itis about this time |e. Rk | be without it.” Pleasant ' _ A “i424 = Harrison the in give me ito e day ia t ‘Utah: aoe wee a “ sear 7 ‘ a YF aoater Li First-Class en HEOHT uors! * dein ART SOMETHING, HEALY gree We sell cheap to Families and Dealers. We kee ’ constantly o hand a supply of. - ; D 4 DRY. £00 Bk ee i Flour : » - EPR ESP eS : to. li « * f Silver Reef. Leeds or the camp. & BIRCH HE ATTENTION woe: fo en omas the sum of $205 from you, Kessell, Wasiey, the sum of $1904, and from you, A. Lemmon, the sum of 36.67. Now, therefore, unless yon shall pay to me or cause to Le paid;te me theeka rions sums above set forth Within ninety days ae the date hereof, be Bocome mine by ate shies el ae NEWS ESE. "POUR Ne ee anme ei * e e s ae Pewder,... , use; Oils, er tn pe oko FGcae We respectfully “ ssp Pe \ ' \ f pen Company, within 1¢ mies of ore ea Be | ie : ' sayin 8 of the ee | of eu” Lumber avert beat cee } cee “4 ai ee | £ WUER SADDLES AND Kings. cand) Pipes. and” Cigars Iron and Steel, PRRIORIOALA, 2 Canoes fi Bo i A, LEMMON, mene es geo and Powder: mm : Fuse, EB. AR Dw R i oH By : Miners”. Tools, 2Ete. =") §O,,.. > Lard, Coal: and Lobricating Olle, emi t 7; am ot : Ci rpenter, “Builder and from SIEGEL & MARKS. wi ly attentign.. BUORES & RIGEABDS. CA INET MAKER.) noe gae "pagent ae < <i : [ to showotr godds‘and guatsinte A: yer fe i a Bottom Figures. ee aaasacboreanehiy tie apn « an of aU ®ytassace Alnane Topacces, And full line of Miners’ Notions. — the public, as we are always pleased | , DEPOT.) Comrsoviontxr, f- ; i He solicita call ons. re ke eeeTobacco VY aes Se eee, Saddlery And P HARNESS: CALIFORNIA ae Pel + > = , Zo which we beg to direct pene, , piea eseri a Shoes, § : : ti a 7 of pee | STaTIOXERY, 134 62 z Children’ and ; GENUINE salt ial ane Also a fine assortment of . Ladies’ & ear y HAVE JUST RECEIVED, DIRECT from Chicago, a complete and well se- “Hardware, | Aod all other Miners’ Supplies. ane lected assortment of df| C. £ W oe res © ove oak ‘ the best and choicest gal aren § tof ot _siiver Reef — GENERAL— at, te ! ; WASUEY : W F and for the year 1878, from you F. iment re ~ | SOG OF THE POBLIO 18 FH Ze eel? 4 | a BROS. & CO’S BOOTS pues . % ? or Mining ~ROGERS & RICKARDS, a Bie 4 — RECESS ep@xiia: a Glassware. and fa JMBER! a ry. : HECHT THE for of you eré is ed th work dong upen the'Great Western Lode and | . Company Mining Claim, situated in Harris: | _ burg Mining District, Washington county. Utuh ae etary ee owing ee ye assessFrom you, for the sear 1p77T ment work ¥, Kessel]. the sum of #0: front you, FHomas W asley, the. sumief $1904; from you, A. Lemmon, the sum of $8.67; and for assess- : Crockery ¢Read NcNanus NOTICE. 0 F..KESSELL, Tito AS We also have an excellent assortment of cage % ear rs ee ' : date of the the . ‘ ’ " £ €20 ite from QUALITIES. s AND COLORS ALL IN of Undershirts Flannel and Miesion OVERSHIRTS. large assortment our | | maiiitea at nest auatrzal sag st oT 7 : CO. waa 1 ‘ f line 0 y within sixty days he He LINEN & WOOLEN & FANCY NEIL, Register Tilford & Hagan, attorneys for, applicant 0 6 S 8 tak oe cae vw . 5 ; of part any law | ir : o ewe Hand-s es zi p ; re Yi “in oie : ‘ 0 0 delivered will. be Which eerie: pine oWetsed 9 SS and Se - NOTIONS, vhs i Fa BUGKINGHAM’S re ¢ adverse & An immense ; di “ cz 4 : ie ote Wa’ have hs < i Be bore aad dots.. we ta Bac : re aan oa a ; a prices. all at and hues We recommend béing the Silver Reef. Utah VLerritory, =a paper publis tied nearest thesaid Catifornia | mining claim. for a fall Shots i sixty days am et orto the any, and all yom ee claiay, lode, vein or the mining ground, jses or any portion thergof as‘af foiesaidd are hereby Toki shat utes: thei ee he al ce By A. a Ex 1 direct this notiee to be publishedin the Si teat Reef Miner, a newspaper publighed-at aba ek Te all City Lake ; Elia: is recorded in the Harrisburg Mining District at silver Reef in said county apd erritory:; « : say “foes ie i a& cheap as any shortnoticé and et fromm other yards, : Lowe 3 oes POE In Heaviest : ‘ Salt ef South Souls. ; WHITE Toe nares enon locations , AND GLEAREST IN- UTAH. are prepared to fill any bill of agy:size.oi Ty =} £0ong Beet and. vale Savaze, Jewell, Leopard, Thonipson and MeXR Baty Licata ae ‘panicsCaliforata California mining aid: otice of location ol ig ferns FR. rT Ex ria tow ou’ goat he gtie ewe a the stock whick OF J earry of a stone cabin on: Last Chance mine bears ‘ eon, iF eS Sud Fest We eit ored and Cashmere pecesstitiene LUoUMB Pa . ‘ GENTS CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, aeneeroter | 2 thereof; thence north 34° 48” and inthe Ne We 'itwest We carty’a full Tine of White,. Gol- | 82%iN. Suih"Earaw f section 12 thereof. are the Maggie, TRUMBULL _- MOUNT: ’ : : : FOR— AGENTS ten oe ge Behe oR order. cial 6 + —————_ east 1,414 5.10 feet to post’ No. 3- thereof; thence south 54° 45’ east 60 feet to post No. 4 thereof; thence south 41° 45’ west 1.422 feet to post No.1 -thereof, the place- of beginning, | We . From containing an area. of 16 67-}00 acres. J post No. 5 thereof, U. S. mineral monument No. 1 bears north 70° 45 east 2527 5-10 feet distant, and from post No 2 thereof, a cedar stump 12 inches in’ diameter, bears norrih 20° east 66 feet distant, and from post No. 4there- é to: our RET : Made UTAR. SOUTHERN IN POWDER GIANT? AND 3. vo, which ia pest No. lof said mining maith. thence north 54° 45’ west 427 5-10.feet ~ HATS, POWDER NG 3 16° variation callers ang are to post No ~ ~ sTETSON Magnetic office’. ak this Le FOR BLASTI PONT’S. ae mmevcing at the sotith-gast corner of Said celebrated the carry we Hats In xe chs \ Leeds’’- 5 | , Micelle. saimmew | — : : AGENTS the official plat and field notes thereof on file oe . : SOLE . silver and lead, to- gether with surface ground four hundred and twenty-seven and five-tenths.(427 5-10) feet in on (he goutheriy eog. line thereat, snd mi (600) feet on the northerly en six hundred: Mining es at Harr pie gs thereot; erritory an istrict, County of Was sine of Utah, and more partion arly described in © : . . ° and attorney in fact, whose. is Silver Reef.’Washington of Utah, has me a-plicaand DU for fourteen -hundr linear feet of the Calitornia mining claim, bearing — . e “Apartments: authorized agent postottice address county, Territory tion for a patent twenty-two (1,422 * which c -, oi Pri e we er it. G rer re. j Pu eh gaat : Ao oe , nie: ‘Then any other \ i Ae ‘Comfortable and Well - Furnished sa} Balt Lake City, Utsh Ter,, Dec. 16, 1878. p S Soutbern.Utah, gts -— sow S Noric# No. 469. THAT 7.O0TIGE. IS HEREBY GIVEN No e “Christy Milt and Mining Company” | wiwen *postoflies address is San Francisco, | California, by Meary S. Lubbock, its duly “we will sell at baths, m> palilic waems . Hand. on Constantly my —\ . UNrrsp &raT#s La¥D OFFICE, : 00 6 Hi WE G 5 brought49, siysteiet Ever : v I FU) RW ‘VING “FINISHEDHouse, “MY ‘BATHROOMS I am now pre. , ; : AND GENTS” Se . FOR PATEST, APPLICATION ar ; ee a == AND STAPLE GROCERIES, FANCY | Ni. Bus. Silver Reef, May:9, 1879... sea “A is ee ets RM BATHS 43 wk eee THAT GIVEN All debts due said firm will the same plave. “| paue ted. by. W. Morris and sit Hebilities ’ “3 5 Wl | N o | mall at Hovbras@ Bickirés for a good x re for A ne rt at 2h en ept on article of Fresfi Ranc a8 utter. pag. 5p FE GF 5; poset: mig! Mr racers: Temme Moneta : <-> M ne Merchants S 0( the ‘partnership heretofore existing between W. Morris andN.: Hubb; under the net ‘Saba sr Cannel iagonal, Butter and Eggs of | . Reab. oM aN be 8 } BETALL WHOLESALE AND ICE, TOTICR IS’ HEREBY ‘ ; . IN oT >a : e WoBe F L.Ousare. » Pe ritory, this-‘day dissotved ‘by¥ mutaat-conase at .oantinus.tne:busia Matis Busbbiseitl a eh and now she can’t Pbuldn’t miowuekastie-petiben:i Renewer ue < SG FILA all. at speak 7 ~~ 3 | «mm geass wae igual ‘ia. Won siehas taken two tottles of your Life Re- | : a beshens a oa of The following ae al 4 tir , n continue the busines a at. thesis debts due ssid firth will be collected a and all Trae pald by him. W.B. Sacer, 4 30th day of‘api, 1879, a a8 2 eo ¢ J Weare a ie ttc de eae heretofore disso: ved by mutual.co: "Data Centre Streets, | of Mains and ot : = i. pisave p® were: : bs al shoo. regen ; sighfte so¢ # mule bludh.when the girls ‘eecimrpered tickle Him while putting on his : . | - ONDER : HARRISON. HOUSE, > ot : eet 95 | THE | Taat Ts HEKPBY GIVEN existing Niece ‘partnership } N B. Sager and F. L. Gushing, under the firm name. of Sager & Cushing, acing business at Stormont, cre @il oue-half miles aouth of silver Reef; Washin2ton o-nnty, Utah Territory, [ s; shun if*@ou wodl@ win* your suit; we had o ae? lng oa ha nnars Dooe'V MIPS dam ifs tid opened ”s ¥e Ken Two Kenturks Black?mifhiig” ship,maidens * And’ it’sshave ah Interesting op " bs roea that you Hel wee ae Gian. There is ( COPARTNERSHIP. OF CO oissouuTipa NOTE . |4 a as 29573al re eu 3s 8°94) % 5 i i$ A at He | aciadin ET — AGTH ese Al RP PB Regal Hotices. -. Biegel a waits Column, Quipszjeutins andi Guite. a : ee SE vedi rt ~s sa a Wes Wash-House, Bonanza, PP SEQANT ATARET. WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING.| Work doze promptly and io best of style Parlor and: c 7 a Lildiy R tb the same, as+ Cooking Utena sori ‘And overything A See Cooking. Stoves, P E arhteni ’ Eto. N a 5 Ete. reine se Td E R- spot T onan Descriptions. «) wil z QO: I, 0) 5 |